§ 15. Conclusion{298} And here I conclude my inquiry into the historical origin of Arianism, perhaps rather abruptly, and certainly without exhausting it. I cannot hope to have read all that ought to be read upon it, or to have covered the whole ground which it occupies, or to have done full justice to the views of other commentators and critics, or to have guarded my own from all objections. So far is certain, that, whatever have been my pains, I cannot have escaped errors in matters of detail, though I have no misgiving about the substantial correctness of what I have written. {299} Top | Contents | Volume contents | Works | Home PostscriptMay 2, 1883.—My attention having been accidentally called to certain passages in this Tract iii., I have been led to ask myself whether I have always succeeded in bringing out my real meaning with that distinctness which was imperative on so important a subject, and the more so because of the reverence due to the times and persons of whom I had to treat. Then I reflected that a fresh edition of the Volume, in which I might avail myself of the opportunity of revision, could hardly be expected in my lifetime. The result has been that I have made at once such alterations in the foregoing pages as I felt to be necessary, without waiting for a future which might never come to me. J. H. N.
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