Sermon 25. The Christian Ministry
"I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is
not a greater prophet than John the Baptist; but he that is least in
the Kingdom of God is greater than he." Luke vii. 28.
{300} [Note 1] ST.
PETER'S day suitably
follows the day of St. John the Baptist; for thus we have a striking
memento, as the text suggests, of the especial dignity of the Christian
Ministry over all previous Ministries which Almighty God has appointed.
St. John was "much more than a Prophet;" he was as great as
any messenger of God that had ever been born; yet the least in the
Kingdom of heaven, the least of Christ's Ministers, is greater than he.
And this, I observe, is a reflection especially fitted for this
Festival, because the Apostle Peter is taken in various parts of the
Gospel, as the appropriate type and representative of the Christian
ministry [Note 2].
Now, let us consider in what the peculiar dignity of the Christian
Minister consists. Evidently in this, that {301} he is the representative of
Christ; for, as Christ is infinitely above all other messengers from
God, he who stands in His stead, must be superior, beyond compare, to
all Ministers of religion, whether Prophets, Priests, Lawgivers, Judges,
or Kings, whom Almighty God ever commissioned. Moses, Aaron, Samuel, and
David, were shadows of the Saviour; but the Minister of the Gospel is
His present substitute. As a type or prophecy of Grace is less than a
pledge and means, as a Jewish sacrifice is less than a Gospel sacrament,
so are Moses and Elias less by office than the representatives of
Christ. This I consider to be evident, as soon as stated; the only
question being, whether there is reason for thinking, that Christ has,
in matter of fact, left representatives behind Him; and this, as I
proceed to show, Scripture enables us to determine in the affirmative.
Now, in the first place, as we all know, Christ chose twelve out of
His disciples, whom He called Apostles, to be His representatives even
during His own ministry. And He gave them the power of doing the
wonderful works which He did Himself. Of course I do not say He gave
them equal power (God forbid!); but He gave them a certain sufficient
portion of His power. "He gave them power," says St. Luke,
"and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases; and He sent
them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick." [Luke ix.
1, 2.] And He expressly made them His substitutes to the world at large;
so that to receive them was to receive Himself. "He that receiveth
you, receiveth Me." [Matt. x. 40.] Such was their principal power
before His passion, similar to {302} that which He principally exercised, viz.
the commission to preach and to perform bodily cures. But when He had
wrought out the Atonement for human sin upon the Cross, and purchased
for man the gift of the Holy Ghost, then He gave them a higher
commission; and still, be it observed, parallel to that which He Himself
then assumed. "As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you.
And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and saith unto them,
Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted
unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained."
[John xx. 21-23.] Here, then, the Apostles became Christ's
representatives in the power of His Spirit, for the remission of sins,
as before they were His representatives as regards miraculous cures, and
preaching His Kingdom.
The following texts supply additional evidence that the Apostles were
commissioned in Christ's stead, and inform us likewise in detail of some
of the particular offices included in their commission. "Let a man
so account of us, as of the Ministers of Christ, and Stewards
of the Mysteries of God." "Ye received me as an Angel"
or heavenly Messenger "of God, even as Christ Jesus."
"We are Ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech
you by us; we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God."
[1 Cor. iv. 1. Gal. iv. 14. 2 Cor. v. 20.]
The Apostles then, standing in Christ's place, were consequently
exalted by office far above any divine Messengers before them. We come
to the same conclusion from considering the sacred treasures committed
{303} to their custody, which (not to mention their miraculous powers, which
is beside our present purpose) were those peculiar spiritual blessings
which flow from Christ as a Saviour, as a Prophet, Priest, and King.
These blessings are commonly designated in Scripture as "the
Spirit," or "the gift of the Holy Ghost." John the
Baptist said of himself and Christ; "I indeed baptize you with
water unto repentance; but He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and
with fire." [Matt. iii. 11.] In this respect, Christ's
ministrations were above all that had ever been before Him, in bringing
with them the gift of the Holy Ghost, that one gift, one, yet multiform,
sevenfold in its operation, in which all spiritual blessedness is
included. Accordingly, our Lord was solemnly anointed with the Holy
Ghost Himself, as an initiation into His Ministerial office. He was
manifested as receiving, that He might be believed on as giving. He was
thus commissioned, according to the Prophet, "to preach good
tidings," "to heal the broken-hearted," "to give the
oil of joy for mourning." Therefore, in like manner, the Apostles
also were anointed with the same heavenly gift for the same Ministerial
office. "He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the
Holy Ghost." Such as was the consecration of the Master, such was
that of the Disciples; and such as His, were the offices to which they
were thereby admitted.
Christ is a Prophet, as authoritatively revealing the will of God and
the Gospel of Grace. So also were the Apostles; "He that heareth
you, heareth Me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth Me; and he that
despiseth {304} Me, despiseth Him that sent Me;" "He that despiseth,
despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us His Holy
Spirit." [Luke x. 16. 1 Thess. iv. 8.]
Christ is a Priest, as forgiving sin, and imparting other needful
divine gifts. The Apostles, too, had this power; "Whose soever sins
ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain,
they are retained." "Let a man so account of us as ...
Stewards of the Mysteries of God."
Christ is a King, as ruling the Church; and the Apostles rule it in
His stead. "I appoint unto you a Kingdom, as My Father hath
appointed unto Me; that ye may eat and drink at My table in My Kingdom,
and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel." [Luke xxi.
29, 30.]
The gift, or office, cannot be named, which belongs to our Lord as
the Christ, which He did not in its degree transfer to His Apostles by
the communication of that Spirit, through which He Himself wrought; one
of course excepted, the One great work, which none else in the whole
world could sustain, of being the Atoning Sacrifice for all mankind. So
far no one can take His place, and "His glory He does not give to
another." His Death upon the Cross is the sole Meritorious Cause,
the sole Source of spiritual blessing to our guilty race; but as to
those offices and gifts which flow from this Atonement, preaching,
teaching, reconciling, absolving, censuring, dispensing grace, ruling,
ordaining, these all are included in the Apostolic Commission, which is
instrumental and representative in His absence. "As My Father hath
sent Me, so send I you." His gifts are {305} not confined to Himself.
"The whole house is filled with the odour of the ointment."
This being granted, however, as regards the Apostles themselves, some
one may be disposed to inquire, whether their triple office has
descended to Christian Ministers after them. I say their triple
office, for few persons will deny that some portion of their commission
still remains among us. The notion that there is no divine appointment
of one man above another for Ministerial duties is not a common one, and
we need not refute it. But it is very common for men to believe only as
far as they can see and understand; and, because they are witnesses of
the process and effects of instructing and ruling, and not of (what may
be called) "the ministry of reconciliation," to accept
Christ's Ministers as representatives of His Prophetic and Regal, not
of His Priestly authority. Assuming then their claim to inherit two
portions of His Anointing, I shall confine myself to the question of
their possessing the third likewise: not however with a view of proving
it, but rather of removing such antecedent difficulties as are likely to
prejudice the mind against it.
By a Priest, in a Christian sense, is meant an appointed channel by
which the peculiar Gospel blessings are conveyed to mankind, one who has
power to apply to individuals those gifts which Christ has promised us
generally as the fruit of His mediation. This power was possessed by the
Apostles; I am now to show that it is possessed by their successors
1. Now, first, that there is a strong line of distinction between the
Apostles and other Christian Ministers, I {306} readily grant; nay, rather I
would maintain it to be so clearly marked that there is no possibility
of confusing together those respects in which they resemble with those
in which they differ from their brethren. The Apostles were not only
Ministers of Christ, but first founders of His Church; and their gifts
and offices, so far forth as they had reference to this part of their
commission, doubtless were but occasional and extraordinary, and ended
with themselves. They were organs of Revelation, inspired Teachers, in
some respects infallible, gifted with divers tongues, workers of
miracles; and none but they are such. The duration of any gift depends
upon the need which it supplies; that which has answered its purpose
ends, that which is still necessary is graciously continued. Such at
least seems to be the rule of a Merciful Providence. Therefore it is,
that the Christian Ministry still includes in it the office of teaching,
for education is necessary for every soul born into the world; and the
office of governing, for "decency and order" are still
necessary for the quiet and union of the Christian brotherhood. And, for
the same reason, it is natural at first sight to suppose that the office
of applying the gifts of grace should be continued also, while there is
guilt to be washed away, sinners to be reconciled, believers to be
strengthened, matured, comforted. What warrant have we from the nature
of the case, for making any distinction between the ministry of teaching
and the ministry of reconciliation? if one is still committed to us, why
not the other also?
And it will be observed, that the only real antecedent difficulty
which attaches to the doctrine of the Christian {307} Priesthood, is obviated
by Scripture itself. It might be thought that the power of remitting and
retaining sins was too great to be given to sinful man over his fellows;
but in matter of fact it was committed to the Apostles without
restriction, though they were not infallible in what they did. "Whose
soever sins ye remit they are remitted unto them; and whose
soever sins ye retain, they are retained." The grant was in the
very form of it unconditional, and left to their Christian discretion.
What has once been given, may be continued. I consider this remark to be
of weight in a case like the present, where the very nature of the
professed gift is the only considerable reason against the fact of its
2. But all this is on the bare antecedent view of the case. In fact,
our Lord Himself has decided the question, by declaring that His
presence, by means of His Apostles, should be with the Church to
the end of the world. He promised this on the solemn occasion of His
leaving them; He declared it when He bade them make converts, baptize,
and teach. As well may we doubt whether it is our duty to preach and
make proselytes, and prepare men for Heaven, as that His Apostolic
Presence is with us, for those purposes. His words then at first sight
even go to include all the gifts vouchsafed to His first
Ministers; far from having a scanty grant of them, so large is the
promise, that we are obliged to find out reasons to justify us in
considering the Successors of the Apostles in any respects less favoured
than themselves. Such reasons we know are to be found, and lead us to
distinguish the extraordinary gifts from the {308} ordinary, a distinction
which the event justifies; but what is there either in Scripture or in
Church History to make us place the commission of reconciliation among
those which are extraordinary?
3. In the next place, it is deserving of notice that this distinction
between ordinary and extraordinary gifts, is really made in Scripture
itself, and that among the extraordinary there is no mention made of the
sacerdotal power. No one can doubt, that on the day of Pentecost the
formal inauguration of the Apostles took place into their high and
singular office of building the Church of Christ. They were "wise
Master-builders, according to the grace given them;" and that grace
was extraordinary. However, among those gifts, "tongues and
visions, prophecies and wonders," their priestly power is not
enumerated. On the contrary, that power had been previously conferred,
according to the passage already cited, when Christ breathed on them,
and gave them, through the Holy Ghost, the authority to remit and retain
sins [Note 3]. And {309} further, I would
remind you, that this is certainly our Church's deliberate view of the
subject: for she expressly puts into the Bishop's mouth at ordination
the very words here used by our Saviour to His Apostles. "Receive
the Holy Ghost;" "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are
remitted to them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are
retained;" words, which it were inexpressibly profane for man to
use to man, except by a plain divine commission to do so.
4: But again, has not the Gospel Sacraments? and have not Sacraments,
as pledges and means of grace, a priestly nature? If so, the question of
the existence of a Christian Priesthood is narrowed at once to the
simple {310} question whether it is or is not probable that so precious an
ordinance as a channel of grace would be committed by Providence to the
custody of certain guardians. The tendency of opinions at this day is to
believe that nothing more is necessary for acceptance than faith in
God's promise of mercy; whereas it is certain from Scripture, that the
gift of reconciliation is not conveyed to individuals except through
appointed ordinances. Christ has interposed something between Himself
and the soul; and if it is not inconsistent with the liberty of the
Gospel that a Sacrament should interfere, there is no antecedent
inconsistency in a keeper of the Sacrament attending upon it. Moreover,
the very circumstance that a standing Ministry has existed from the
first, leads on to the inference that that Ministry was intended to take
charge of the Sacraments; and thus the facts of the case suggest an
interpretation of our Lord's memorable words, when He committed to St.
Peter "the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven."
I would have this Scripture truth considered attentively; viz. that
Sacraments are the channels of the peculiar Christian privileges, and
not merely (as many men think, and as the rite of Confirmation really
is) seals of the covenant. A man may object, indeed, that in St.
Paul's Epistle to the Romans nothing is said about channels and
instruments; that faith is represented as the sole medium of
justification. But I will refer him, by way of reply, to the same
Apostle's speech to Festus and Agrippa, where he describes Christ as
saying to him on his miraculous conversion, "Rise and stand upon
thy feet; for I have appeared unto thee for {311} this purpose, to make thee a
Minister and a Witness," sending him forth, as it might appear, to
preach the Gospel, without instrumentality of Ordinance or Minister. Had
we but this account of his conversion, who would not have supposed, that
he who was "to open men's eyes, and turn them from darkness to
light," had been pardoned and accepted at once upon his faith,
without rite or form? Yet from other parts of the history, we learn what
is here omitted, viz. that an especial revelation was made to Ananias,
lest Saul should go without baptism; and that, so far from his being
justified immediately on his faith, he was bid not to tarry, but
"to arise and be baptized, and to wash away his sins calling
on the name of the Lord." [Acts xxvi. 16-18; xxii. 16; ix. 17. [Note
4]] So dangerous is it to attempt to prove a negative from insulated
passages of Scripture.
Here then we have a clear instance in St. Paul's own case, that there
are priestly Services between the soul and God, even under the Gospel;
that though Christ has purchased inestimable blessings for our race, yet
that it is still necessary ever to apply them to individuals by visible
means; and if so, I confess, that to me at least it seems more likely
antecedently, that such services should have, than that they should
lack, an appropriate minister. But here again we are not left to mere
conjecture, as I proceed to show.
5. You well know that the benefits of the Atonement are frequently
represented in Scripture under the figure of spiritual food, bread from
heaven, the water that never faileth, and in more sacred language, as
the {312} communion of the Body and Blood of the Divine Sacrifice. Now, this
special Christian benefit is there connected, as on the one hand with an
outward rite, so on the other with certain appointed Dispensers. So that
the very context of Scripture leads us on from the notion of a priestly
service to that of a priesthood.
"Who then is that faithful and wise Steward," says
Christ, "whom his Lord shall make ruler over His household, to give
them their portion of food in due season? Blessed is that
servant, whom his Lord when He cometh shall find so doing." [Luke
xii. 43.] Now, I infer from this passage; first, that there are, under
the Gospel, especial Dispensers of the Christian's spiritual food, in
other words (if the word "food" [Note
5] may be interpreted
from the parallel of the sixth chapter of St. John), Dispensers of
invisible grace, or Priests;—next, that they are to continue to the
Church in every age till the end, for it is said, "Blessed is he,
whom his Lord, when He cometh, shall find so doing;"—further,
that the Minister mentioned is also "Ruler over His
household," as in the case of the Apostles, uniting the Regal with
the Sacerdotal office;—lastly, the word "Steward," which
incidentally occurs in the passage, a title applied by St. Paul to the
Apostles, affords an additional reason for supposing that other like
titles, such as "Ambassadors of Christ," given to the
Apostles, do also belong in a true and sufficient sense to their
6. These considerations in favour of the existence of a Christian
Priesthood, are strengthened by observing that the office of
intercession, which though not a {313} peculiarity, is ever characteristic of
the Priestly Order, is spoken of in Scripture as a sort of prerogative
of the Gospel Ministry. For instance, Isaiah, speaking of Christian
times, says, "I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem,
which shall never hold their peace day nor night. Ye that make mention
of the Lord, keep not silence; and give Him no rest, till He establish,
and till He make Jerusalem a praise in the earth." [Isa. lxii. 6,
7.] In the Acts of the Apostles, we find Christ's ministers engaged in
this sacred service, according to the prophecy. "There were in the
Church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers, as Barnabas,
and Simeon called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, foster
brother to Herod the Tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to
the Lord, and fasted," [Acts xiii. 1, 2.] the Holy Ghost separated
two of them for His work. This "ministering" to the Lord with
fasting was surely some solemn intercessory service. And this agrees
with a passage in St. James's Epistle, which seems to invest the Elders
of the Church with this same privilege of the priesthood. "Is any
sick among you? Let him call for the Elders of the Church, and let
them pray over him (not pray with him merely), anointing him
with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith (not
the oil merely) shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him
up." In like manner St. Paul speaks of Epaphras as "our dear
fellow-servant, who is for you," that is, for the Colossians
to whom he is writing, "a faithful minister of Christ."
Presently he explains what was the service which Epaphras did for them:
"always labouring {314} fervently for you in prayer, that ye may
stand perfect and complete in all the will of God." [James v. 14,
15. Col. i. 7; iv. 12.].
7. We may end these remarks by recurring to the instances of St.
Peter and St. John the Baptist; who, as types of God's ordained
servants, before and after His Son's coming, may serve to explain the
office of ordinary Christian Ministers. Even the lowest of them is
"greater than John." Now what was it that he wanted? Was it
the knowledge of Gospel doctrine? No, surely; no words can be
clearer than his concerning the New covenant. "Behold the Lamb of
God, which taketh away the sin of the world." "He that cometh
from above, is above all ... He whom God hath sent speaketh the words of
God, for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto Him. The Father
loveth the Son, and hath given all things into His hand. He that
believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not
the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him."
[John i. 29; iii. 31-36.] Therefore, the Baptist lacked not the full
Christian doctrine; what he did lack was (as he says himself) the
Baptism of the Spirit, conveying a commission from Christ the
Saviour, in all His manifold gifts, ordinary and extraordinary, Regal
and Sacerdotal. John was not inferior to us Gospel Ministers in
knowledge, but in power.
On the other hand, if, as I have made appear, St. Peter's ministerial
office continues as regards ordinary purposes, in the persons of those
who come after him, we are bound to understand our Lord's blessing,
pronounced in the first instance upon him, as descending {315} in due measure
on the least of us His ministers who "keep the faith," Peter
being but the representative and type of them all. "Blessed art
thou, Simon Barjona; for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee,
but My Father, which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, that thou
art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of
hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of
the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be
bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be
loosed in heaven." August and glorious promise! Can it be, that it
is all expended on St. Peter, how great soever that noble Apostle? Is it
inserted in the "everlasting Gospel," to witness merely of one
long since departed? Is it the practice of the inspired word to exalt
individuals? Does not the very exuberance of the blessing resist any
such niggardly use of it? Does it not flow over in spite of us, till our
unbelief is vanquished by the graciousness of Him who spoke it? Is it,
in short, anything but the prejudices of education, which prevent so
many of us from receiving it in that fulness of grace in which it was
poured out?
I say our prejudices,—for these surely are the cause of our
inconsistency in faith; adopting, as we do, a rule of Scripture
interpretation, which carries us a certain way, and stops short of the
whole counsel of God, and should teach us nothing, or a great deal more.
If the promises to Christ's Apostles are not fulfilled in the Church for
ever after, why should the blessing attaching to the Sacraments extend
after the first age? Why {316} should the Lord's Supper be now the Communion
of the Lord's Body and Blood? Why should Baptism convey spiritual
privileges? Why should any part of Scripture afford permanent
instruction? Why should the way of life be any longer narrow? Why should
the burden of the Cross be necessary for every disciple of Christ? Why
should the Spirit of adoption any longer be promised us? Why should
separation from the world be now a duty? Happy indeed it is for men that
they are inconsistent; for then, though they lose some part of a
Christian's faith, at least they keep a portion. This will happen in
quiet times, and in the case of those who are of mature years, and whose
minds have been long made up on the subject of religion. But should a
time of controversy arise, then such inconsistencies become of fearful
moment as regards the multitude called Christian, who have not any
decided convictions to rest upon. Inconsistency of creed is sure to
attract the notice of the intellect, unless habit has reconciled the
heart to it. Therefore, in a speculative age, such as our own, a
religious education which involves such inconsistency, is most dangerous
to the unformed Christian, who will set straight his traditionary creed
by unlearning the portion of truth it contains, rather than by adding
that in which it is deficient. Hence, the lamentable spectacle, so
commonly seen, of men who deny the Apostolic commission proceeding to
degrade the Eucharist from a Sacrament to a bare commemorative rite; or
to make Baptism such a mere outward form, and sign of profession, as it
would be childish or fanciful to revere. And reasonably; for {317} they who
think it superstitious to believe that particular persons are channels
of grace, are but consistent in denying virtue to particular ordinances.
Nor do they stop even here; for denying the grace of baptism, they
proceed to deny the doctrine of original sin, for which that grace is
the remedy [Note 6]. Further,
denying the doctrine of original sin, they necessarily impair the
doctrine of the Atonement, and so prepare a way for the denial of our
Lord's Divinity. Again, denying the power of the Sacraments on the
ground of its mysteriousness, demanding from the very text of
Scripture the fullest proof of it conceivable, and thinking little of
the blessedness of "not seeing, and yet believing," they
naturally proceed to object to the doctrine of the Trinity as
obstructing and obscuring the simplicity (as they consider it) of the
Gospel, and but indirectly deducible from the extant documents of
inspiration. Lastly, after they have thus divested the divine remedies
of sin, and the treatment necessary for the sinner, of their solemnity
and awe, having made the whole scheme of salvation of as intelligible
and ordinary a character as the repair of any accident in the works of
man, having robbed Faith of its mysteries, the Sacraments of their
virtue, the Priesthood of its commission, no wonder that sin itself is
soon considered a venial matter, moral evil as a mere imperfection, man
as involved in no great peril or misery, his duties of no very arduous
or anxious nature. In a word, religion, as such, is in the way to
disappear from {318} the mind altogether; and in its stead a mere cold worldly
morality, a decent regard to the claims of society, a cultivation of the
benevolent affections, and a gentleness and polish of external
deportment, will be supposed to constitute the entire duties of that
being, who is conceived in sin, and the child of wrath, is redeemed by
the precious blood of the Son of God, is born again and sustained by the
Spirit through the invisible strength of Sacraments, and called, through
self-denial and sanctification of the inward man, to the Eternal
Presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Such is the course and issue of unbelief, though beginning in what
the world calls trifles. Beware then, O my Brethren, of entering a way
which leads to death. Fear to question what Scripture says of the
Ministers of Christ, lest the same perverse spirit lead you on to
question its doctrine about Himself and His Father. "Little
children, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that Antichrist
shall come, even now are there many Antichrists ... They went out from
us, but they were not of us." [1 John ii. 18, 19.] "Ye shall
know them by their fruits." [Matt. vii. 16.] If any man come to
you, bringing any scoff against the power of Christ's Ministers, ask him
what he holds concerning the Sacraments, or concerning the Blessed
Trinity; look narrowly after his belief as regards the Atonement, or
Original Sin. Ascertain whether he holds with the Church's doctrine in
these points; see to it whether at very best he does not try to evade
the question, has recourse to explanations, or professes to have no
opinion at all upon it. Look to these things, {319} that you may see whither
you are invited. Be not robbed of your faith blindfold. Do what you do
with a clear understanding of the consequences. And if the arguments
which he uses against you tend to show that your present set of opinions
is in some measure inconsistent, and force you to see in Scripture more
than you do at present, or else less, be not afraid to add to it, rather
than to detract from it. Be quite sure that, go as far as you may, you
will never, through God's grace, be led to see more in it than the early
Christians saw; that, however you enlarge your creed, you will but carry
yourselves on to Apostolic perfection, equally removed from the extremes
of presumption and of unbelief, neither intruding into things not seen
as yet, nor denying, on the other hand, what you cannot see.
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1. The Feast of St. Peter the Apostle.
Return to text
2. Vide Matt. xvi. 18, 19.
Luke xxii. 29, 30. John xxi. 15-17.
Return to text
3. The following passage supplies a corroboration
of the above argument, and carries it on to the doctrine of the
Apostolical Succession:—"The very first act of the Apostles after
Christ was gone out of their sight, was the ordination of Matthias in
the room of the traitor Judas. That ordination is related very minutely.
Every particular of it is full of instruction; but at present I wish to
draw attention to one circumstance more especially: namely, the time
when it occurred. It was contrived (if one may say so) exactly to fall
within the very short interval which elapsed between the
departure of our Lord, and the arrival of the Comforter in His place: on
that 'little while,' during which the Church was comparatively left
alone in the world. Then it was that St. Peter rose and declared with
authority, that the time was come for supplying the vacancy which Judas
had made. 'One,' said he, 'must be ordained;' and without delay they
proceeded to the ordination. Of course, St. Peter must have had from our
Lord express authority for this step. Otherwise it would seem most
natural to defer a transaction so important until the unerring Guide,
the Holy Ghost, should have come among them, as they knew He would in a
few days. On the other hand, since the Apostles were eminently Apostles
of our Incarnate Lord, since their very being, as Apostles,
depended entirely on their personal mission from Him (which is the
reason why catalogues are given of them, with such scrupulous care, in
many of the holy books): in that regard one should naturally have
expected that He Himself before His departure would have supplied the
vacancy by personal designation. But we see it was not His pleasure to
do so. As the Apostles afterwards brought on the ordination sooner, so
He had deferred it longer than might have been expected. Both ways it
should seem as if there were a purpose of bringing the event within
those ten days, during which, as I said, the church was left
to herself; left to exercise her faith and hope, much as Christians
are left now, without any miraculous aid or extraordinary
illumination from above. Then, at that moment of the New Testament
history in which the circumstances of believers corresponded most nearly
to what they have been since miracles and inspiration ceased,—just at
that time it pleased our Lord that a fresh Apostle should be
consecrated, with authority and commission as ample as the former
enjoyed. In a word, it was His will that the eleven Disciples alone, not
Himself personally, should name the successor of Judas; and that they
chose the right person, He gave testimony very soon after, by sending
His Holy Spirit on St. Matthias, as richly as on St. John, St. James, or
St. Peter."—Tracts for the Times, vol. ii, No. 52.
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4. Vide also Acts xiii. 2,
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5. [sitometoion]
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6. E.g. A Dissenting
Catechism has lately been published in the country for popular use, in
which the doctrine of original sin is denied, by way of meeting the
charge of cruelty towards children, as involved in the omission of
infant baptism.
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