Sermon 22. The Gospel, a Trust Committed to Us

"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust,
avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science,
falsely so called; which some professing, have erred concerning the
Faith." 1 Tim. vi. 20, 21.
{255} [Note 1] THESE words are
addressed in the first place to the Ministers of the Gospel, in the
person of Timothy; yet they contain a serious command and warning for
all Christians. For all of us, high and low, in our measure are
responsible for the safe-keeping of the Faith. We have all an equal
interest in it, no one less than another, though an Order of men has
been especially set apart for the duty of guarding it. If we Ministers
of Christ guard it not, it is our sin but it is your loss,
my brethren; and as any private person would feel that his duty and his
safety lay in giving alarm of a fire or of a robbery in the city where
he dwelt, though there were ever so many special officers appointed for
the purpose, so, doubtless, every one of us is bound in his place to
contend for the Faith, and to have an eye to its safe {256} custody. If indeed
the Faith of Christ were vague, indeterminate, a matter of opinion or
deduction, then, indeed, we may well conceive that the Ministers of the
Gospel would be the only due expounders and guardians of it; then it
might be fitting for private Christians to wait till they were informed
concerning the best mode of expressing it, or the relative importance of
this or that part of it. But this has been all settled long ago; the
Gospel Faith is a definite deposit,—a treasure, common to all, one and
the same in every age, conceived in set words, and such as admits of
being received, preserved, transmitted. We may safely leave the custody
of it even in the hands of individuals; for in so doing, we are leaving
nothing at all to private rashness and fancy, to pride, debate, and
strife. We are but allowing men to "contend earnestly for the Faith
once delivered to the Saints;" the Faith which was put into their
hands one by one at their baptism, in a form of words called the Creed,
and which has come down to them in that very same form from the first
ages. This Faith is what even the humblest member of the Church may and
must contend for; and in proportion to his education, will the circle of
his knowledge enlarge. The Creed delivered to him in Baptism will then
unfold, first, into the Nicene Creed (as it is called), then into the
Athanasian; and, according as his power of grasping the sense of its
articles increases, so will it become his duty to contend for them in
their fuller and more accurate form. All these unfoldings of the Gospel
Doctrine will become to him precious as the original articles, because
they are in fact nothing more or less than the {257} one true explanation of
them delivered down to us from the first ages, together with the
original baptismal or Apostles' Creed itself. As all nations confess to
the existence of a God, so all branches of the Church confess to the
Gospel doctrine; as the tradition of men witnesses to a Moral Governor
and Judge, so the tradition of Saints witnesses to the Father Almighty,
and His only Son, and the Holy Ghost. And as neither the superstitions
of polytheism, nor the atheistic extravagances of particular countries
at particular times, practically interfere with our reception of the one
message which the sons of Adam deliver; so, much less, do the local
heresies and temporary errors of the early Church, and its superadded
corruptions, its schismatic offshoots, or its partial defections in
later ages, impair the evidence and the claim of its teaching, in the
judgment of those who sincerely wish to know the Truth once delivered to
it. Blessed be God! we have not to find the Truth, it is put into our
hands; we have but to commit it to our hearts, to preserve it inviolate,
and to deliver it over to our posterity.
This then is the meaning of St. Paul's injunction in the text, given
at the time when the Truth was first published. "Keep that which is
committed to thy trust," or rather, "keep the deposit;"
turn away from those "profane emptinesses" which pretenders to
philosophy and science bring forward against it. Do not be moved by
them; do not alter your Creed for them; for the end of such men is
error. They go on disputing and refining, giving new meanings, modifying
received ones, still with the idea of the True Faith in their minds
{258} as
the scope of their inquiries; but at length they "miss" it.
They shoot on one side of it, and embrace a deceit of their own instead
of it.
By the Faith is evidently meant, as St. Paul's words show, some
definite doctrine; not a mere temper of mind or principle of action,
much less, vaguely, the Christian cause; and accordingly, in his Second
Epistle to Timothy, the Apostle mentions as his comfort in the view of
death, that he had "kept the Faith." In the same Epistles he
describes it more particularly as "the Form" or outline
"of sound words," "the excellent deposit;" phrases
which show that the deposit certainly was a series of truths and rules
of some sort (whether only doctrinal, or preceptive also, and
ecclesiastical), and which are accurately descriptive of the formulary
since called the Apostles' Creed [Note 2].
And these same sacred truths which Timothy had received in trust, he was
bid "commit" in turn "to faithful men," who would be
"able to teach others also." By God's grace, he was enabled so
to commit them; and they being thus transmitted from generation to
generation, have, through God's continued mercy, reached even unto us
"upon whom the ends of the world are come."
I propose in what follows, to set before you the account given us in
Scripture of this Apostolic Faith; being led to do so on the one hand by
the Day, on which we commemorate its fundamental doctrine, and {259} on the
other, by the mistaken views entertained of it by many persons in this
day, which seem to require notice.
Perhaps it may be right first to state what these erroneous opinions
are; which I will do briefly. They are not novel, as scarcely any
religious error can be, and assuredly what has once or twice died away
in former times will come to its end in like manner once more. I do not
speak as if I feared it could overcome the Ancient Truth once delivered
to the Saints; but still our watchfulness and care are the means
appointed for its overthrow, and are not superseded, but rather
encouraged, and roused, by the anticipation of ultimate success.
It is a fashion of the day, then, to suppose that all insisting upon
precise Articles of Faith is injurious to the cause of spiritual
religion, and inconsistent with an enlightened view of it; that it is
all one to maintain, that the Gospel requires the reception of definite
and positive Articles, and to acknowledge it to be technical and formal;
that such a notion is superstitious, and interferes with the
"liberty wherewith Christ has made us free;" that it argues a
deficient insight into the principles and ends, a narrow comprehension
of the spirit of His Revelation. Accordingly, instead of accepting
reverently the doctrinal Truths which have come down to us, an attempt
is made by the reasoners of this age to compare them together, to weigh
and measure them, to analyse, simplify, refashion them; to reduce them
to system, to arrange them into primary and secondary, to harmonize them
into an intelligible dependence upon {260} each other. The teacher of
Christianity, instead of delivering its Mysteries, and (as far as may
be) unfolding them, is taught to scrutinise them, with a view of
separating the inward holy sense from the form of words, in which the
Spirit has indissolubly lodged them. He asks himself, what is the use
of the message which has come down to him? what the comparative value of
this or that part of it? He proceeds to assume that there is some one
end of his ministerial labours, such as to be ascertainable by him, some
one revealed object of God's dealings with man in the Gospel. Then,
perhaps, he arbitrarily assigns this end to be the salvation of the
world, or the conversion of sinners. Next he measures all the Scripture
doctrines by their respective sensible tendency to effect this end. He
goes on to discard or degrade this or that sacred truth as superfluous
in consequence, or of inferior importance; and throws the stress of his
teaching upon one or other, which he pronounces to contain in it the
essence of the Gospel, and on which he rests all others which he
retains. Lastly, he reconstructs the language of theology to suit his
(so-called) improved views of Scripture doctrine.
For instance, you will meet with writers who consider that all the
Attributes and Providences of God are virtually expressed in the one
proposition, "God is Love;" the other notices of His
Unapproachable Glory contained in Scripture being but modifications of
this. In consequence, they are led on to deny, first, the doctrine of
eternal punishment, as being inconsistent with this notion of Infinite
Love; next, resolving such expressions as the "wrath of God"
into a figure of speech, {261} they deny the Atonement, viewed as a real
reconciliation of an offended God to His creatures. Or again, they say
that the object of the Gospel Revelation is merely practical, and
therefore, that theological doctrines are altogether unnecessary, mere
speculations, and hindrances to the extension of religion; or, if not
purely injurious, at least requiring modification. Hence you may hear
them ask, "What is the harm of being a Sabellian, or Arian?
how does it affect the moral character?" Or, again, they say that
the great end of the Gospel is the union of hearts in the love of Christ
and of each other, and that, in consequence, Creeds are but fetters on
souls which have received the Spirit of Adoption; that Faith is a mere
temper and a principle, not the acceptance for Christ's sake of a
certain collection of Articles. Others, again, have rested the whole
Gospel upon the doctrines of the Atonement and Sanctification. And
others have seemed to make the doctrine of Justification by Faith the
one cardinal point, upon which the gates of life open and shut. Let so
much suffice in explanation of the drift of the following remarks.
St. Paul, I repeat, bids us hold fast the faith which is entrusted to
our custody; and that Faith is a "Form of sound words," an
"Outline," which it is our duty, according to our
opportunities, to fill up and complete in all its parts. Now, let us see
how much the very text of Scripture will yield us of these elementary
lines of Truth, of the unchangeable Apostolic
Rule of Faith, of which we are bound to be so jealous.
Its essential doctrine of course is what St. John terms {262} generally
"the doctrine of Christ," and which, in the case of every one
calling himself Christian, is the profession necessary (as he tells us)
for our receiving him into our houses. St. Paul speaks in much the same
compendious way concerning the Gospel Faith, when he says, "Other
foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus, the
Christ." However, in an earlier passage of the same Epistle, he
speaks more explicitly: "I determined not to know anything among
you save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." Thus the Crucifixion of
Christ was one essential part of the outline of sound words, preached
and delivered by the Apostle. In his Epistle to the Romans, he adds
another article of faith: "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him
from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Here then the doctrine of the
Resurrection is added to that of the Crucifixion. Elsewhere he says:
"There is One God, and one Mediator between God and man, the Man
Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all to be testified in due
time; even whereunto I am ordained a preacher." Here Christ's
Mediation and Atonement are added as doctrines of Apostolical preaching.
Further, towards the end of an Epistle already quoted, he speaks still
more distinctly of the Gospel which he had preached, and had delivered
over to his converts; and which, he adds, all the other Apostles
preached also. "I put into your hands, first of all, what had
before been put into mine, how that Christ died for our sins according
to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the
third {263} day according to the Scriptures." [2 John 9-11. 1 Cor. iii.
11; ii. 2. Rom. x. 9. 1 Tim. ii. 5-7. 1 Cor. xv. 3, 4.] Here we find an
approximation to the Articles of the Creed, as the Church has ever
worded them.
But the letter of Scripture gives us still further insight into the
subjects of the Sacred Deposit, of which St. Paul speaks in the text. In
the course of the very Epistle in which it occurs, he delivers to
Timothy a more explicit "Form of sound words" than any I have
cited from his writings. He writes to tell him "how to conduct
himself in the Church of the Living God," which he had to govern,
and how to preserve it as "the pillar and ground of the
Truth;" and proceeds to remind him what that Truth is. "God
was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of Angels,
preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into
glory." Here is mention, among other doctrines, of the Incarnation
and the Ascension. It seems then to have been an article of the original
Apostles' Creed, that Christ was not a mere man, but God Incarnate. In
like manner, when the Ethiopian asked to be baptized, and Philip said he
might if he "believed with all his heart," this was his
confession: "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
This, it should be observed, is his confession, after Philip had
"preached unto him Jesus." [1 Tim. iii. 15, 16. Acts viii.
Now, let us pass on to the very words in which that Baptism itself
was administered; words which the Eunuch might not understand indeed at
the time, but {264} which were then committed to him to feed upon in his heart
by faith, and, by the influence of the grace at the same time given,
gradually to enter into. Those words were first ordained by Christ
Himself, as some mysterious key by which the fountains of grace might be
opened upon the baptismal water,—"In the Name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;" and they show that not only the
doctrine of Christ, but that of the Trinity also, formed an essential
portion of the Sacred Treasure, of which the Church was ordained to be
the Preacher. Lastly, in the Epistle to the Hebrews, we are presented
with an enumeration of some other of the fundamental Articles of Faith
which the Apostles delivered. St. Paul therein speaks of "the foundation
of repentance from dead works, and of Faith towards God, of the doctrine
of Baptisms, and of Laying on of hands, and of Resurrection of the dead,
and of Eternal Judgment." [Matt. xxviii. 19. Heb. vi. 1, 2. [Note
Observe then, how many Articles of that Faith, which the Church has
ever confessed, are incidentally brought before us as such, and
delivered as such in very form, in the course of Scripture narrative and
precept;—the doctrine of the Trinity; of the Incarnation of the Son of
God, His Mediatorship, His Atonement for our sins on the Cross, His
Death, Burial, Resurrection on the third day, and Ascension; of Pardon
on Repentance, Baptism as the instrument of it, Imposition of hands, the
General Resurrection and the Judgment once for all. I might also appeal
to such passages as that in the First {265} Epistle to the Corinthians, where
St. Paul says, "To us there is one God the Father … and one Lord
Jesus Christ;" [1 Cor. viii. 6.] but I wished to confine myself to
texts in which the doctrines specified are expressly introduced as
portions of a Formulary or Confession, committed or accepted, whether on
the part of Ministers of the Church at Ordination, or of each member of
it when he was baptized.
It may be proper to add, that the history of the Primitive Church
altogether concurs in this view of the nature of Gospel Faith which
Scripture sets before us. I mean we have sufficient evidence that, in
matter of fact, such Creeds as St. Paul's did exist in its various
branches, not differing from each other, except (for instance) as the
Lord's Prayer in St. Matthew's Gospel differs from St. Luke's version of
it; that this one and the same Faith was committed to every Christian
everywhere on his baptism; and that it was considered as the especial
trust of the Church of each place and of its Bishop, as having been
received by continual transmission from its original Founder, whether
Apostle or Evangelist.
Enough has been already said by way of proving from Scripture how
precise, positive, manifold, are the Articles of our Faith, and how St.
Paul insists on this their definiteness and minuteness; enough to show
that we may not slur them over, nor heap them together confusedly, nor
tamper with them, with the profaneness either of carelessness or of
curious disputing,—in a word, that they are sacred. But this
sacred character of our trust may {266} be shown by several distinct
considerations, which shall now be set before you.
1. First, from the very circumstance that it is a trust. The
plain and simple reason for our preaching and preserving the Faith, is
because we have been told to do so. It is an act of mere obedience to
Him who has "put us in trust with the Gospel." Our one great
concern as regards it, is to deliver it over safe. This is the end in
view, which all men have before them, who are anyhow trusted in worldly
matters. "It is required in stewards, that a man be found
faithful." [1 Cor. iv. 2.] Our Lord had said, that "this
Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness
unto all nations." Accordingly, His Apostle declares, speaking of
his persecutions, "None of these things move me, ... so that I
might finish ... the Ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus,
fully to witness the Gospel of the grace of God." And again,
when his departure is at hand, he comforts himself with the reflection,
that he has "kept the Faith." [Matt. xxiv. 14. Acts xx. 24. 2
Tim. iv. 7.] To keep the Faith in the world till the end, may, for what
we know, be a sufficient object of our preaching and confessing, though
nothing more come of it. Hence then the force of the words addressed to
Timothy: "Hold fast," "keep;" "This charge I
commit unto thee;" "continue thou in the things entrusted
thee;" "put the brethren in remembrance;" "commit
thou the same to faithful men;" "refuse profane and old wives'
fables;" "shun profane vain talking;" "avoid foolish
and unlearned questions." Were there no other reason for the
Articles of the {267} Creed being held sacred, their being a trust would be
sufficient. Till we feel that we have a trust, a treasure to
transmit, for the safety of which we are answerable, we have missed one
chief peculiarity in our actual position. Yet did men feel this
adequately, they would have little heart to indulge in the random
speculations which at present are so familiar to their minds.
2. This sense of the seriousness of our charge is increased by
considering, that after all we do not know, and cannot form a notion,
what is the real final object of the Gospel Revelation. Men are
accustomed to say, that it is the salvation of the world, which it
certainly is not. If, instead of this, we say that Christ came "to
purify unto Himself a peculiar people," then, indeed, we speak a
great Truth; but this, though a main end of our preaching, is not its
simple and ultimate object. Rather, as far as we are told at all, that
object is the glory of God; but we cannot understand what is meant by
this, or how the Dispensation of the Gospel promotes it. It is enough
for us that we must act with the simple thought of God before us, make
all ends subordinate to this, and leave the event to Him. We know,
indeed, to our great comfort, that we cannot preach in vain. His
heavenly word "shall not return unto Him void, but shall prosper in
the thing whereto He sent it." Still it is surely our duty to
preach, "whether men will hear, or whether they will forbear."
We must preach, as our Lord enjoins in a text already quoted, "as a
witness." Accordingly He Himself, before the heathen Pilate,
"bore witness unto the truth;" and St. Paul conjures us to
keep our sacred charge as in the presence of Him, {268} who "before
Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession." Doubtless, His glory
is set forth in some mysterious way in the rejection, as well as in the
reception of the Gospel; and we must co-operate with Him. We must
co-operate so far, as to be content to wound as well as to heal, to
condemn as well as to absolve. We must not shrink from being "a
savour from death unto death," as well as of "life unto
life." We must stedfastly believe, however painful may be the duty,
that we are in either case offering up a "sweet savour of Christ
unto God both in them that are saved, and in them that perish." We
must learn to acquiesce and concur in the order of God's providence, and
bear to rejoice over great Babylon and her inhabitants, when the wrath
of God has fallen upon her.
This consideration is an answer to those who would limit our message
to what is influential and convincing in it, and measure its divinity by
its success. But I have introduced it rather to show generally, how
utterly we are in the dark about the whole subject; and therefore, as
being in the dark, how necessary it is to gird our garments about us,
and hold fast our treasure, and hasten forward, lest we betray our
trust. We have no means of knowing how far a small mistake in the Faith
may carry us astray. If we do not know why it is to be proclaimed to
all, though all will not hear, much less do we know why this or that
doctrine is revealed, or what is the importance of it. The grant of
grace in Baptism follows upon the accurate enunciation of one or two
words; and if so much depends on one sacred observance, even down to the
letter in which it is committed to us, {269} why should not at least the
substantial sense of other truths, nay, even the primitive wording of
them, have some especial claim upon the Church's safe guardianship of
them? St. Paul's Articles of Belief are precise and individual; why
should we not take them as we find them? Why should we be wise above
that is written? Why should we not be thankful that a work is put upon
us which is so plainly within our power, to hold the Gospel Truths, to
count and note them, to feed upon them, to hand them on? However, wilful
and feverish minds have not the wisdom to trust Divine teaching. They
persist in saying that Articles of Belief are mere formalities; and that
to preach and transmit them is to miss the conversion of the heart in
faith and holiness. They would rather rouse emotions, with the view (as
they hope) of changing the character. Forgetful that tempers and states
of mind are things seen by God alone, and when really spiritual are the
work of His Unseen Spirit, and beyond the power of man to insure or
ascertain, they put upon themselves what a man cannot do. They think it
a light thing to be sowers of that heavenly seed, which He shall make
spring up in the hearer's heart to life eternal. They are willing to
throw it aside as something barren and worthless, as the sand of the
sea-shore; and they desire to plant simply the flowers of grace (or what
appear such) in one another's hearts, as though under their assiduous
culture they could take root therein. Far different is the example set
us in the services of the Church! In the Office for Baptism the Articles
of the Creed are recited one by one, that the infant Christian may be
put in charge of every jot and {270} tittle of the sacred Covenant, which he
inherits. In the Communion Service, in the midst of its solemn praises
to the God of all grace, when Angels and Archangels are to be summoned
to join in the Thanksgiving, Articles from the Creed are recited, as if
by way of preparation, with an exact doctrinal precision, according to
the Festival celebrated,—as for instance on this day. And in the
Visitation of the Sick, he whom God seems about to call away, is asked,
not whether he has certain spiritual feelings within him (of which he
cannot judge), but, definitely and to his great comfort, whether he
believes those Articles of the Christian Faith, one by one, which he
received at Baptism, was catechized in during his childhood, and
confessed whenever he came to worship God in Church. It is in the same
spirit that the most precise and systematic of all the Creeds, the
Athanasian, is rather, as the form of it shows, a hymn of praise to the
Eternal Trinity; it being meet and right at festive seasons to bring
forth before our God every jewel of the Mysteries entrusted to us, to
show that those of which He gave us we have lost none.
3. Lastly, the sacred character of our charge is shown most forcibly
by the sanction which attends it. What God has guarded by an Anathema,
surely claims some jealous custody on our part. Christ says expressly,
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; and he that
believeth not shall be damned." [Mark xvi. 16.] It is quite clear,
that in our Lord's meaning, this belief included the reception of a
positive Creed, because He gave one at the time,—that sovereign Truth,
from which all {271} others flow, which we this day celebrate, the Faith of
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Three Persons, One God. This doctrine then,
at least, is necessary to be believed by every one in order to
salvation: and that certain other doctrines are also necessary, is plain
from other parts of Scripture; as, for instance, our Lord's
Resurrection, from St. Paul's words to the Romans [Note
4]. Now, this
doctrine of the Resurrection, which closed our Lord's earthly mission,
is evidently at a wide interval in the series of doctrines from that of
the Trinity in Unity, which is the foundation of the whole Dispensation;
so that a thoughtful mind, which fears to go wrong, will see reason to
conclude even from hence, that perchance the doctrines which go between
the two—the Incarnation, for instance, or the Crucifixion—are also
essential parts of saving Faith. And, in fact, various passages of
Scripture, as we have already seen, occur, in which these intermediate
Articles are separately made the basis of the Gospel. Again, let St.
Paul's language to the Galatians be well considered, who had departed
from the Faith in what might have seemed but a subordinate detail, the
abolition of the Jewish Law. "Though we, or an Angel from
heaven," he says, "preach any other Gospel unto you, than that
which we have preached unto you, let him be Anathema. As we said before,
so say I now again, If any man preach any other Gospel unto you than
that ye have received, let him be Anathema." [Gal. i. 8, 9.] The
state of the case then is this:—we know that some doctrines are
necessary to be believed; we are not told how many; and we have {272} no
powers of mind adequate to the task of solving the problem. We cannot
give any sufficient reason, beside the revealed word, why the doctrine
of the Trinity itself should be essential; and if it is essential
nevertheless, why should not any other? How dangerous then is it to
trifle with any portion of the message committed to us! Surely we are
bound to guard what may be material in it, as carefully as if we
knew it to be so; our not knowing it, so far from being a reason for
indifference, becoming an additional motive for anxiety and
watchfulness. And, while we do not dare anticipate God's final judgment
by attaching the Anathema to individual unbelievers, yet neither do we
dare conceal any part of the doctrines guarded by it, lest haply it
should be found to lie against ourselves, who have "shunned to
declare the whole counsel of God."
To conclude.—The error against which these remarks are directed,
viz. that of systematizing and simplifying the Gospel Faith, making much
of one or two articles of it, and disparaging or dismissing the rest, is
not confined to this province of religion only. In the same spirit,
sometimes the Ordinances, sometimes the Polity of the Church, are
dishonoured and neglected; the Doctrine of Baptism contrasted with that
of inward Sanctification, precepts of "decency and order" made
light of before the command to evangelize the heathen, the injunction to
"stand in the old ways" broken with a view to increase the
so-called efficiency of our ecclesiastical institutions. In like manner,
by one class of reasoners the Gospels are made everything, by another
the Epistles. In all ages, indeed, consistent obedience {273} is a very rare
endowment; but in this cultivated age, we have undertaken to defend
inconsistency on grounds of reason. On the other hand hear the words of
Eternal Truth. "Whosoever shall break one of these least
commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the
least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them,
the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven." [Matt. v.
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1. The Feast of the Holy Trinity.
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2. Vide also, among other passages, 1 John
ii. 21-27, which refers to nothing short of a definite doctrine; e.g.
"Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from
the beginning." Again, 2 Tim. ii. 18, "Who concerning the
Truth have erred, saying that the Resurrection is past already,
and overthrow the faith of some."
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3. Vide also 2 Tim. ii. 16-18, above
referred to.
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4. Rom. x. 9.
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Newman Reader Works of John Henry Newman
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