Sermon 18. Obedience the
Remedy for Religious Perplexity
"Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He
shall exalt thee to inherit the land."
Psalm xxxvii. 34.
{228} THE Psalm from which I have taken my text, is written
with a view of encouraging good men who are in
perplexity,and especially perplexity concerning
God's designs, providence, and will. "Fret not
thyself;" this is the lesson it inculcates from
first to last. This world is in a state of confusion.
Unworthy men prosper, and are looked on as the greatest
men of the time. Truth and goodness are thrown into the
shade; but wait patiently,peace, be still; in the
end, the better side shall triumph,the meek shall
inherit the earth.
Doubtless the Church is in great darkness and
perplexity under the Christian dispensation, as well as
under the Jewish. Not that Christianity does not explain
to us the most important religious questions,which
it does to our great comfort; but that, from the nature
of the case, imperfect beings, as we are, must always be,
on the whole, in a state of darkness. Nay, {229} the very
doctrines of the New Testament themselves bring with them
their own peculiar difficulties; and, till we learn to
quiet our minds, and to school them into submission to
God, we shall probably find more perplexity than
information even in what St. Paul calls "the light
of the glorious Gospel of Christ." [2 Cor. iv. 4.]
Revelation was not given us to satisfy doubts, but to
make us better men; and it is as we become better men,
that it becomes light and peace to our souls; though even
to the end of our lives we shall find difficulties both
in it and in the world around us.
I will make some remarks today on the case of those
who, though they are in the whole honest inquirers in
religion, yet are more or less in perplexity and anxiety,
and so are discouraged.
The use of difficulties to all of us in our trial in
this world is obvious. Our faith is variously assailed by
doubts and difficulties, in order to prove its sincerity.
If we really love God and His Son, we shall go on in
spite of opposition, even though, as in the case of the
Canaanitish woman, He seem to repel us. If we are not in
earnest, difficulty makes us turn back. This is one of
the ways in which God separates the corn from the chaff,
gradually gathering each, as time goes on, into its own
heap, till the end comes, when "He will gather the
wheat into His garner, but the chaff He will burn with
fire unquenchable." [Luke iii. 17.]
Now, I am aware that to some persons it may sound
strange to speak of difficulties in religion, for
they find {230} none at all. But though it is true, that the
earlier we begin to seek God in earnest, the less of
difficulty and perplexity we are likely to endure, yet
this ignorance of religious difficulties in a great many
cases, I fear, arises from ignorance of religion itself.
When our hearts are not in our work, and we are but
carried on with the stream of the world, continuing in
the Church because we find ourselves there, observing
religious ordinances merely because we are used to them,
and professing to be Christians because others do, it is
not to be expected that we should know what it is to feel
ourselves wrong, and unable to get right,to feel
doubt, anxiety, disappointment, discontent; whereas, when
our minds are awakened, and we see that there is a right
way and a wrong way, and that we have much to learn, when
we try to gain religious knowledge from Scripture, and to
apply it to our selves, then from time to time we are
troubled with doubts and misgivings, and are oppressed
with gloom.
To all those who are perplexed in any way soever, who
wish for light but cannot find it, one precept must be
given,obey. It is obedience which brings a
man into the right path; it is obedience keeps him there
and strengthens him in it. Under all circumstances,
whatever be the cause of his distress,obey. In the
words of the text, "Wait on the Lord, and keep His
way, and He shall exalt thee."
Let us apply this exhortation to the case of those who
have but lately taken up the subject of religion at all.
Every science has its difficulties at first; why then
should the science of living well be without them? {231} When
the subject of religion is new to us, it is strange. We
have heard truths all our lives without feeling them
duly; at length, when they affect us, we cannot believe
them to be the same we have long known. We are thrown out
of our fixed notions of things; an embarrassment ensues;
a general painful uncertainty. We say, "Is the Bible
true? Is it possible?" and are distressed by evil
doubts, which we can hardly explain to ourselves, much
less to others. No one can help us. And the relative
importance of present objects is so altered from what it
was, that we can scarcely form any judgment upon them, or
when we attempt it, we form a wrong judgment. Our eyes do
not accommodate themselves to the various distances of
the objects before us, and are dazzled; or like the blind
man restored to sight, we "see men as trees,
walking." [Mark viii. 24.] Moreover, our judgment of
persons, as well as of things, is changed; and, if not
every where changed, yet at first every where suspected
by ourselves. And this general distrust of ourselves is
the greater the longer we have been already living in
inattention to sacred subjects, and the more we now are
humbled and ashamed of ourselves. And it leads us to take
up with the first religious guide who offers himself to
us, whatever be his real fitness for the office.
To these agitations of mind about what is truth and
what is error, is added an anxiety about ourselves,
which, however sincere, is apt to lead us wrong. We do
not feel, think, and act as religiously as we could {232} wish;
and while we are sorry for it, we are also (perhaps)
somewhat surprised at it, and impatient at
it,which is natural but unreasonable. Instead of
reflecting that we are just setting about our recovery
from a most serious disease of long standing, we conceive
we ought to be able to trace the course of our recovery
by a sensible improvement. This same impatience is seen
in persons who are recovering from bodily indisposition.
They gain strength slowly, and are better perhaps for
some days, and then worse again; and a slight relapse
dispirits them. In the same way, when we begin to seek
God in earnest, we are apt, not only to be humbled (which
we ought to be), but to be discouraged at the slowness
with which we are able to amend, in spite of all the
assistances of God's grace. Forgetting that our proper
title at very best is that of penitent sinners, we seek
to rise all at once into the blessedness of the sons of
God. This impatience leads us to misuse the purpose of
self-examination; which is principally intended to inform
us of our sins, whereas we are disappointed if it does
not at once tell us of our improvement. Doubtless, in a
length of time we shall be conscious of improvement too,
but the object of ordinary self-examination is to find
out whether we are in earnest, and again, what we have
done wrong, in order that we may pray for pardon, and do
better. Further, reading in Scripture how exalted the
thoughts and spirit of Christians should be, we are apt
to forget that a Christian spirit is the growth of time;
and that we cannot force it upon our minds, however
desirable and necessary it may be to possess it; that by
giving {233} utterance to religious sentiments we do not become
religious, rather the reverse; whereas, if we strove to
obey God's will in all things, we actually should be
gradually training our hearts into the fulness of a
Christian spirit. But not understanding this, men are led
to speak much and expressly upon sacred subjects, as if
it were a duty to do so, and in the hope of its making
them better; and they measure their advance in faith and
holiness, not by their power of obeying God in practice,
mastering their wills, and becoming more exact in their
daily duties, but by the warmth and energy of their
religious feelings. And, when they cannot sustain these
to that height which they consider almost the
characteristic of a true Christian, then they are
discouraged, and tempted to despair. Added to this,
sometimes their old sins, reviving from the slumber into
which they have been cast for a time, rush over their
minds, and seem prepared to take them captive. They cry
to God for aid, but He seems not to hear them, and they
know not which way to look for safety.
Now such persons must be reminded first of all, of the
greatness of the work which they have undertaken, viz.
the sanctification of their souls. Those, indeed, who
think this an easy task, or (which comes to the same
thing) who think that, though hard in itself, it will be
easy to them, for God's grace will take all the toil of
it from them, such men of course must be disappointed on
finding by experience the force of their original evil
nature, and the extreme slowness with which even a
Christian is able to improve it. And {234} it is to be feared
that this disappointment in some cases issues in a belief
that it is impossible to overcome our evil selves;
that bad we are, bad we must be; that our innate
corruption lies like a load in our hearts, and no more
admits of improvement than a stone does of light and
thought; and, in consequence, that all we have to do, is
to believe in Christ who is to save us, and to dwell on
the thoughts of His perfect work for us,that this
is all we can do,and that it is presumption as well
as folly to attempt more.
But what says the text? "Wait on the Lord and
keep His way." And Isaiah? "They that wait upon
the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall
mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run, and not
be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." [Isa.
xl. 31.] And St. Paul? "I can do all things through
Christ which strengtheneth me." [Phil. iv. 13.] The
very fruit of Christ's passion was the gift of the Holy
Spirit, which was to enable us to do what otherwise we
could not do"to work out our own salvation."
[Phil. ii. 12.]Yet, while we must aim at this, and
feel convinced of our ability to do it at length through
the gifts bestowed on us, we cannot do it rightly without
a deep settled conviction of the exceeding difficulty of
the work. That is, not only shall we be tempted to
negligence, but to impatience also, and thence into all
kinds of unlawful treatments of the soul, if we be
possessed by a notion that religious discipline soon
becomes easy to the believer, and that the heart is
speedily changed. Christ's "yoke is easy:"
[Matt. xi. 30.] true, to those who {235} are accustomed to it,
not to the unbroken neck. "Wisdom is very unpleasant
to the unlearned (says the son of Sirach), he that is
without understanding will not remain with her."
"At the first she will walk with him by crooked
ways, and bring fear and dread upon him, and torment him
with her discipline, until she may trust his soul and try
him by her laws. Then will she return the straight way
unto him, and comfort him, and show him her
secrets." [Ecclus. vi. 20; iv. 17, 18.]
Let, then, every beginner make up his mind to suffer
disquiet and perplexity. He cannot complain that it
should be so; and though he should be deeply ashamed of
himself that it is so (for had he followed God from a
child, his condition would have been far different,
though, even then perhaps, not without some
perplexities), still he has no cause to be surprised or
discouraged. The more he makes up his mind manfully to
bear doubt, struggle against it, and meekly to do God's
will all through it, the sooner this unsettled state of
mind will cease, and order will rise out of confusion.
"Wait on the Lord," this is the rule;
"keep His way," this is the manner of waiting.
Go about your duty; mind little things as well as great.
Do not pause, and say, "I am as I was; day after day
passes, and still no light;" go on. It is very
painful to be haunted by wandering doubts, to have
thoughts shoot across the mind about the reality of
religion altogether, or of this or that particular
doctrine of it, or about the correctness of one's own
faith, and the safety of {236} one's own state. But it must be
right to serve God; we have a voice within us answering
to the injunction in the text, of waiting on Him and
keeping His way. David confesses it. "When Thou
saidst, Seek ye My face; my heart said unto Thee, Thy
face, Lord, will I seek." [Ps. xxvii. 8.]And
surely such obedient waiting upon Him will obtain His
blessing. "Blessed are they that keep His
commandments." And besides this express promise,
even if we had to seek for a way to understand His
perfect will, could we conceive one of greater promise
than that of beginning with little things, and so
gradually making progress? In all other things is not
this the way to perfection? Does not a child learn to
walk short distances at first? Who would attempt to bear
great weights before he had succeeded with the lesser? It
is from God's great goodness that our daily constant duty
is placed in the performance of small and comparatively
easy services. To be dutiful and obedient in ordinary
matters, to speak the truth, to be honest, to be sober,
to keep from sinful words and thoughts, to be kind and
forgiving,and all this for our Saviour's
sake,let us attempt these duties first. They
even will be difficult,the least of them; still
they are much easier than the solution of the doubts
which harass us, and they will by degrees give us a
practical knowledge of the Truth.
To take one instance, out of many which might be
given: suppose we have any perplexing, indescribable
doubts about the Divine power of our Blessed Lord, or {237} concerning the doctrine of the Trinity; well, let us
leave the subject and turn to do God's will. If we do
this in faith and humility, we shall in time find that,
while we have been obeying our Saviour's precepts, and
imitating His conduct in the Gospels, our difficulties
have been removed, though it may take time to remove
them; and though we are not, during the time, sensible of
what is going on. There may, indeed, be cases in which
they are never removed entirely,and in which
doubtless some great and good object is secured by the
trial; but we may fairly and safely look out for a more
comfortable issue. And so as regards all our
difficulties. "Wait on the Lord, and keep His
way." His word is sure; we may safely trust it. We
shall gain light as to general doctrines by embodying
them in those particular instances in which they become
ordinary duties. But it too often happens, that from one
cause or other men do not pursue this simple method of
gradually extricating themselves from error.They
seek some new path which promises to be shorter and
easier than the lowly and the circuitous way of
obedience. They wish to arrive at the heights of Mount
Zion without winding round its base; and at first (it
must be confessed) they seem to make greater progress
than those who are content to wait, and work
righteousness. Impatient of ''sitting in darkness, and
having no light,'' and of completing the Prophet's
picture of a saint in trouble, "by fearing the Lord,
and obeying the voice of His servant," [Isa. i. 10.]
they expect to gain speedy peace and {238} holiness by means of
new teachers, and by a new doctrine.
Many are misled by confidence in themselves. They look
back at the first seasons of their repentance and
conversion, as if the time of their greatest knowledge;
and instead of considering that their earliest religious
notions were probably the most confused and mixed with
error, and therefore endeavouring to separate the good
from the bad, they consecrate all they then felt as a
standard of doctrine to which they are bound to appeal;
and as to the opinion of others, they think little of it,
for religion being a new subject to themselves, they are
easily led to think it must be a new and untried subject
to others also, especially, since the best men are often
the least willing to converse, except in private, on
religious subjects, and still more averse to speak of
them to those who they think will not value them rightly.
But, leaving the mention of those who err from
self-confidence, I would rather lament over such as are
led away from the path of plain simple obedience by a
compliance with the views and wishes of those around
them. Such persons there are all through the Church, and
ever have been. Such perhaps have been many Christians in
the communion of the Church of Rome; who, feeling deeply
the necessity of a religious life, yet strive by means
different from those which God has blessed, to gain His
favour. They begin religion at the very end of it, and
make those observances and rules the chief means of
pleasing Him, which in fact should be but the spontaneous
acts of the formed Christian temper. And {239} others among
ourselves are bound by a similar yoke of bondage, though
it be more speciously disguised, when they subject their
minds to certain unscriptural rules, and fancy they must
separate in some self-devised way from the world, and
that they must speak and act according to some arbitrary
and novel form of doctrine, which they try to set before
themselves, instead of endeavouring to imbue their hearts
with that free, unconstrained spirit of devotion, which
lowly obedience in ordinary matters would imperceptibly
form within them. How many are there, more or less such,
who love the Truth, and would fain do God's will, who yet
are led aside and walk in bondage, while they are
promised superior light and freedom! They desire to be
living members of the Church, and they anxiously seek out
whatever they can admire in the true sons of the Church;
but they feel forced to measure every thing by a certain
superstitious standard which they revere,they are
frightened at shadows,and thus they are, from time
to time, embarrassed and perplexed, whenever, that is,
they cannot reconcile the conduct and lives of those who
are really, and whom they wish to believe eminent
Christians, with that false religious system which they
have adopted.
Before concluding, I must notice one other state of
mind in which the precept of "waiting on God and
keeping His way," will avail, above all others, to
lead right a doubting and perplexed mind.
It sometimes happens, from ill health or other cause,
that persons fall into religious despondency. They fancy
that they have so abused God's mercy that there {240} is no
hope for them; that once they knew the Truth, but that
now it is withdrawn from them; that they have had
warnings which they have neglected, and now they are left
by the Holy Spirit, and given over to Satan. Then, they
recollect divers passages of Scripture, which speak of
the peril of falling away, and they apply these to their
own case. Now I speak of such instances, only so far as
they can be called ailments of the mind, for often
they must be treated as ailments of the body. As far as
they are mental, let us observe how it will conduce to
restore the quiet of the mind, to attend to the humble
ordinary duties of our station, that walking in God's
way, of which the text speaks. Sometimes, indeed, persons
thus afflicted increase their disorder by attempting to
console themselves by those elevated Christian doctrines
which St. Paul enlarges on; and others encourage them in
it. But St. Paul's doctrine is not intended for weak and
unstable minds [Note]. He says himself:
"We speak wisdom among them that are perfect;"
not to those who are (what he calls) "babes in
Christ." [1 Cor. ii. 6; iii. 1.] In proportion as we
gain strength, we shall be able to understand and profit
by the full promises of the Christian covenant; but those
who are confused, agitated, restless in their minds, who
busy themselves with many thoughts, and are overwhelmed
with conflicting feelings, such persons are, in general,
made more restless and more unhappy (as the experience of
sick beds may show us), by holding out to them doctrines
and assurances which they cannot rightly {241} apprehend. Now,
not to speak of that peculiar blessing which is promised
to obedience to God's will, let us observe how well it is
calculated, by its natural effect, to soothe and calm the
mind. When we set about to obey God, in the ordinary
businesses of daily life, we are at once interested by
realities which withdraw our minds from vague fears and
uncertain indefinite surmises about the future. Without
laying aside the thoughts of Christ (the contrary), still
we learn to view Him in His tranquil providence, before
we set about contemplating His greater works, and we are
saved from taking an unchristian thought for the morrow,
while we are busied in present services. Thus our Saviour
gradually discloses Himself to the troubled mind; not as
He is in heaven, as when He struck down Saul to the
ground, but as He was in the days of His flesh, eating
and conversing among His brethren, and bidding us, in
imitation of Him, think no duty beneath the notice of
those who sincerely wish to please God.
Such afflicted inquirers, then, after truth, must be
exhorted to keep a guard upon their feelings, and to
control their hearts. They say they are terrified lest
they should be past hope; and they will not be persuaded
that God is all-merciful, in spite of all the Scriptures
say to that effect. Well, then, I would take them on
their own ground. Supposing their state to be as wretched
as is conceivable, can they deny it is their duty now
to serve God? Can they do better than try to serve Him?
Job said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in
Him." [Job xiii. 15.] They say they do not wish
to serve {242} God,that they want a heart to serve Him.
Let us grant (if they will have it so), that they are
most obdurate; still they are alive,they must be
doing something, and can they do aught better than try to
quiet themselves, and be resigned, and to do right rather
than wrong, even though they are persuaded that it does
not come from their heart, and is not acceptable to God?
They say they dare not ask for God's grace to assist
them. This is doubtless a miserable state: still, since
they must act in some way, though they cannot do what is
really good without His grace, yet, at least, let them do
what seems like truth and goodness. Nay, though it is
shocking to set before their minds such a prospect, yet
even were they already in the place of punishment, will
they not confess, it would be the best thing they could
do, to commit then as little sin as possible? Much more,
then, now, when, even if they have no hope, their
heart at least is not so entirely hardened as it will be
It must not be for an instant supposed I am admitting
the possibility of a person being rejected by God, who
has any such right feelings in his mind. The anxiety of
the sufferers I have been describing, shows they are
still under the influence of Divine grace, though they
will not allow it; but I say this, to give another
instance in which a determination to obey God's will
strictly in ordinary matters tends, through His blessing,
to calm and comfort the mind, and to bring it out of
perplexity into the clear day.
And so in various other cases which might be
recounted. Whatever our difficulty be, this is plain. {243} "Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall
exalt thee." Or in our Saviour's words: "He
that hath My commandments and keepeth them, he it is that
loveth Me; and he that loveth Me, shall be loved of My
Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to
him." "Whosoever shall do and teach these least
commandments, shall be called great in the kingdom of
heaven." "Whosoever hath, to him shall be
given, and he shall have more abundance." [John xiv.
21. Matt. v. 19; xiii. 12.]
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