Sermon 12. The Reverence Due to the Virgin
"From henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
Luke i. 43.
{127} [Note 1] TODAY we celebrate the
Annunciation of the Virgin Mary; when the Angel Gabriel was sent to tell
her that she was to be the Mother of our Lord, and when the Holy Ghost
came upon her, and overshadowed her with the power of the Highest. In
that great event was fulfilled her anticipation as expressed in the
text. All generations have called her blessed [Note
2]. The Angel began the salutation; he said, "Hail, thou that
art highly favoured; the Lord is with thee; blessed [Note
3] art thou among women." Again he said, "Fear not, Mary,
for thou hast found favour with God; and, behold, thou shalt conceive in
thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and shalt call His name Jesus. He shall
be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest." Her cousin
Elizabeth was the next to greet her with her appropriate title. Though
she was filled with the Holy Ghost at the time {128} she spake, yet, far from
thinking herself by such a gift equalled to Mary, she was thereby moved
to use the lowlier and more reverent language. "She spake out with
a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of
my Lord should come to me?" ... Then she repeated, "Blessed is
she that believed; for there shall be a performance of those things
which were told her from the Lord." Then it was that Mary gave
utterance to her feelings in the Hymn which we read in the Evening
Service. How many and complicated must they have been! In her was now to
be fulfilled that promise which the world had been looking out for
during thousands of years. The Seed of the woman, announced to guilty
Eve, after long delay, was at length appearing upon earth, and was to be
born of her. In her the destinies of the world were to be reversed, and
the serpent's head bruised. On her was bestowed the greatest honour ever
put upon any individual of our fallen race. God was taking upon Him her
flesh, and humbling Himself to be called her offspring;—such is the
deep mystery! She of course would feel her own inexpressible
unworthiness; and again, her humble lot, her ignorance, her weakness in
the eyes of the world. And she had moreover, we may well suppose, that
purity and innocence of heart, that bright vision of faith, that
confiding trust in her God, which raised all these feelings to an
intensity which we, ordinary mortals, cannot understand. We
cannot understand them; we repeat her hymn day after day,—yet consider
for an instant in how different a mode we say it {129} from that in
which she at first uttered it. We even hurry it over, and do not
think of the meaning of those words which came from the most highly
favoured, awfully gifted of the children of men. "My soul doth
magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For He
hath regarded the low estate of His hand-maiden: for, behold, from
henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For He that is mighty
hath done to me great things; and holy is His name. And His mercy is on
them that fear Him from generation to generation."
Now let us consider in what respects the Virgin Mary is Blessed; a
title first given her by the Angel, and next by the Church in all ages
since to this day.
1. I observe, that in her the curse pronounced on Eve was changed to
a blessing. Eve was doomed to bear children in sorrow; but now this very
dispensation, in which the token of Divine anger was conveyed, was made
the means by which salvation came into the world. Christ might have
descended from heaven, as He went back, and as He will come again. He
might have taken on Himself a body from the ground, as Adam was given;
or been formed, like Eve, in some other divinely-devised way. But, far
from this, God sent forth His Son (as St. Paul says), "made of a
woman." For it has been His gracious purpose to turn all
that is ours from evil to good. Had He so pleased, He might have found,
when we sinned, other beings to do Him service, casting us into hell;
but He purposed to save and to change us. And in like manner all
that belongs to us, our reason, our affections, our pursuits, our
relations in life, He {130} needs nothing put aside in His disciples, but all
sanctified. Therefore, instead of sending His Son from heaven, He sent
Him forth as the Son of Mary, to show that all our sorrow and all our
corruption can be blessed and changed by Him. The very punishment of the
fall, the very taint of birth-sin, admits of a cure by the coming of
2. But there is another portion of the original punishment of woman,
which may be considered as repealed when Christ came. It was said to the
woman, "Thy husband shall rule over thee;" a sentence which
has been strikingly fulfilled. Man has strength to conquer the thorns
and thistles which the earth is cursed with, but the same strength has
ever proved the fulfilment of the punishment awarded to the woman. Look
abroad through the Heathen world, and see how the weaker half of mankind
has everywhere been tyrannized over and debased by the strong arm of
force. Consider all those Eastern nations, which have never at any time
reverenced it, but have heartlessly made it the slave of every bad and
cruel purpose. Thus the serpent has triumphed,—making the man still
degrade himself by her who originally tempted him, and her, who then
tempted, now suffer from him who was seduced. Nay, even under the light
of revelation, the punishment on the woman was not removed at once.
Still (in the words of the curse), her husband ruled over her. The very
practice of polygamy and divorce, which was suffered under the
patriarchal and Jewish dispensation proves it.
But when Christ came as the seed of the woman, He {131} vindicated the
rights and honour of His mother. Not that the distinction of ranks is
destroyed under the Gospel; the woman is still made inferior to man, as
he to Christ; but the slavery is done away with. St. Peter bids the
husband "give honour unto the wife, because the weaker, in
that both are heirs of the grace of life." [1 Pet. iii. 7.] And St.
Paul, while enjoining subjection upon her, speaks of the especial
blessedness vouchsafed her in being the appointed entrance of the
Saviour into the world. "Adam was first formed, then Eve; and Adam
was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the
transgression." But "notwithstanding, she shall be saved
through the Child-bearing;" [1 Tim. ii. 15.] that is, through the
birth of Christ from Mary, which was a blessing, as upon all mankind, so
peculiarly upon the woman. Accordingly, from that time, Marriage has not
only been restored to its original dignity, but even gifted with a
spiritual privilege, as the outward symbol of the heavenly union
subsisting betwixt Christ and His Church.
Thus has the Blessed Virgin, in bearing our Lord, taken off or
lightened the peculiar disgrace which the woman inherited for seducing
Adam, sanctifying the one part of it, repealing the other.
3. But further, she is doubtless to be accounted blessed and favoured
in herself, as well as in the benefits she has done us. Who can estimate
the holiness and perfection of her, who was chosen to be the Mother of
Christ? If to him that hath, more is given, and holiness and Divine
favour go together (and this we are {132} expressly told), what must have been
the transcendent purity of her, whom the Creator Spirit condescended to
overshadow with His miraculous presence? What must have been her gifts,
who was chosen to be the only near earthly relative of the Son of God,
the only one whom He was bound by nature to revere and look up to; the
one appointed to train and educate Him, to instruct Him day by day, as
He grew in wisdom and in stature? This contemplation runs to a higher
subject, did we dare follow it; for what, think you, was the sanctified
state of that human nature, of which God formed His sinless Son; knowing
as we do, "that which is born of the flesh is flesh," and that
"none can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?" [1 John iii.
6. Job xiv. 4.]
Now, after dwelling on thoughts such as these, when we turn back
again to the Gospels, I think every one must feel some surprise, that we
are not told more about the Blessed Virgin than we find there. After the
circumstances of Christ's birth and infancy, we hear little of her.
Little is said in praise of her. She is mentioned as attending Christ to
the cross, and there committed by Him to St. John's keeping; and she is
mentioned as continuing with the Apostles in prayer after His ascension;
and then we hear no more of her. But here again in this silence we find
instruction, as much as in the mention of her.
1. It suggests to us that Scripture was written, not to exalt this or
that particular Saint, but to give glory to Almighty God. There have
been thousands of holy souls in the times of which the Bible history
treats, {133} whom we know nothing of, because their lives did not fall upon
the line of God's public dealings with man. In Scripture we read not of
all the good men who ever were, only of a few, viz. those in whom God's
name was especially honoured. Doubtless there have been many widows in
Israel, serving God in fastings and prayers, like Anna; but she only is
mentioned in Scripture, as being in a situation to glorify the Lord
Jesus. She spoke of the Infant Saviour "to all them that looked for
redemption in Jerusalem." Nay, for what we know, faith like
Abraham's, and zeal like David's, have burned in the breasts of
thousands whose names have no memorial; because, I say, Scripture is
written to show us the course of God's great and marvellous providence,
and we hear of those Saints only who were the instruments of His
purposes, as either introducing or preaching His Son. Christ's favoured
Apostle was St. John, His personal friend; yet how little do we know of
St. John compared with St. Paul;—and why? because St. Paul was the
more illustrious propagator and dispenser of His Truth. As St. Paul
himself said, that he "knew no man after the flesh," [2 Cor.
v. 16.] so His Saviour, with somewhat a similar meaning, has hid from us
the knowledge of His more sacred and familiar feelings, His feelings
towards His Mother and His friend. These were not to be exposed, as
unfit for the world to know,—as dangerous, because not admitting of
being known, without a risk lest the honour which those Saints received
through grace should eclipse in our minds the honour of Him who honoured
them. Had {134} the blessed Mary been more fully disclosed to us in the
heavenly beauty and sweetness of the spirit within her, true, she
would have been honoured, her gifts would have been clearly seen;
but, at the same time, the Giver would have been somewhat less
contemplated, because no design or work of His would have been disclosed
in her history. She would have seemingly been introduced for her
sake, not for His sake. When a Saint is seen working towards an
end appointed by God, we see him to be a mere instrument, a
servant though a favoured one; and though we admire him, yet, after all,
we glorify God in him. We pass on from him to the work to which
he ministers. But, when any one is introduced, full of gifts, yet
without visible and immediate subserviency to God's designs, such a one
seems revealed for his own sake. We should rest, perchance, in the
thought of him, and think of the creature more than the Creator. Thus it
is a dangerous thing, it is too high a privilege, for sinners like
ourselves, to know the best and innermost thoughts of God's servants. We
cannot bear to see such men in their own place, in the retirement of
private life, and the calmness of hope and joy. The higher their gifts,
the less fitted they are for being seen. Even St. John the Apostle was
twice tempted to fall down in worship before an Angel who showed him the
things to come. And, if he who had seen the Son of God was thus overcome
by the creature, how is it possible we could bear to gaze upon the
creature's holiness in its fulness, especially as we should be more able
to enter into it, and estimate it, than to comprehend the infinite
perfections of the Eternal {135} Godhead? Therefore, many truths are, like the
"things which the seven thunders uttered," [Rev. x. 4.]
"sealed up" from us. In particular, it is in mercy to us that
so little is revealed about the Blessed Virgin, in mercy to our
weakness, though of her there are "many things to say," yet
they are "hard to be uttered, seeing we are dull of hearing."
[Heb. v. 11.]
2. But, further, the more we consider who St. Mary was, the more
dangerous will such knowledge of her appear to be. Other saints are but
influenced or inspired by Christ, and made partakers of Him mystically.
But, as to St. Mary, Christ derived His manhood from her, and so had an
especial unity of nature with her; and this wondrous relationship
between God and man it is perhaps impossible for us to dwell much upon
without some perversion of feeling. For, truly, she is raised above the
condition of sinful beings, though by nature a sinner; she is brought
near to God, yet is but a creature, and seems to lack her fitting place
in our limited understandings, neither too high nor too low. We cannot
combine, in our thought of her, all we should ascribe with all we should
withhold. Hence, following the example of Scripture, we had better only
think of her with and for her Son, never separating her from Him, but
using her name as a memorial of His great condescension in stooping from
heaven, and not "abhorring the Virgin's womb." And this is the
rule of our own Church, which has set apart only such Festivals in
honour of the Blessed Mary, as may also be Festivals in honour of our
Lord; the Purification commemorating His presentation in the {136} Temple, and
the Annunciation commemorating His Incarnation. And, with this caution,
the thought of her may be made most profitable to our faith; for nothing
is so calculated to impress on our minds that Christ is really partaker
of our nature, and in all respects man, save sin only, as to associate
Him with the thought of her, by whose ministration He became our
To conclude. Observe the lesson which we gain for ourselves from the
history of the Blessed Virgin; that the highest graces of the soul may
be matured in private, and without those fierce trials to which the many
are exposed in order to their sanctification. So hard are our hearts,
that affliction, pain, and anxiety are sent to humble us, and dispose us
towards a true faith in the heavenly word, when preached to us. Yet it
is only our extreme obstinacy of unbelief which renders this
chastisement necessary. The aids which God gives under the Gospel
Covenant, have power to renew and purify our hearts, without uncommon
providences to discipline us into receiving them. God gives His Holy
Spirit to us silently; and the silent duties of every day (it may be
humbly hoped) are blest to the sufficient sanctification of thousands,
whom the world knows not of. The Blessed Virgin is a memorial of this;
and it is consoling as well as instructive to know it. When we quench
the grace of Baptism, then it is that we need severe trials to restore
us. This is the case of the multitude, whose best estate is that of
chastisement, repentance, supplication, and absolution, again and again.
But there are those who go on in a calm and unswerving course, learning
day by day to love Him who has redeemed {137} them, and overcoming the sin of
their nature by His heavenly grace, as the various temptations to evil
successively present themselves. And, of these undefiled followers of
the Lamb, the Blessed Mary is the chief. Strong in the Lord, and in the
power of His might, she "staggered not at the promise of God
through unbelief;" she believed when Zacharias doubted,—with a
faith like Abraham's she believed and was blessed for her belief, and
had the performance of those things which were told her by the Lord. And
when sorrow came upon her afterwards, it was but the blessed
participation of her Son's sacred sorrows, not the sorrow of those who
suffer for their sins.
If we, through God's unspeakable gift, have in any measure followed
Mary's innocence in our youth, so far let us bless Him who enabled us.
But so far as we are conscious of having departed from Him, let us
bewail our miserable guilt. Let us acknowledge from the heart that no
punishment is too severe for us, no chastisement should be unwelcome
(though it is a sore thing to learn to welcome pain), if it tend to burn
away the corruption which has propagated itself within us. Let us count
all things as gain, which God sends to cleanse away the marks of sin and
shame which are upon our foreheads. The day will come at length, when
our Lord and Saviour will unveil that Sacred Countenance to the whole
world, which no sinner ever yet could see and live. Then will the world
be forced to look upon Him, whom they pierced with their unrepented
wickednesses; "all faces will gather blackness." [Joel ii. 6.]
Then they will discern, what they {138} do not now believe, the utter
deformity of sin; while the Saints of the Lord, who seemed on earth to
bear but the countenance of common men, will wake up one by one after
His likeness, and be fearful to look upon. And then will be fulfilled
the promise pledged to the Church on the Mount of Transfiguration. It
will be "good" to be with those whose tabernacles might have
been a snare to us on earth, had we been allowed to build them. We shall
see our Lord, and His Blessed Mother, the Apostles and Prophets, and all
those righteous men whom we now read of in history, and long to know.
Then we shall be taught in those Mysteries which are now above us. In
the words of the Apostle, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and
it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that, when He shall
appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is: and every
man that hath this hope in Him, purifieth himself, even as He is
pure." [1 John iii. 2, 3.] [Note 4]
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1. The Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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2. [makariousi].
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3. [eulogemene].
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4. On the subject of this Sermon, vide
Bishop Bull's Sermon on Luke i. 48, 49.
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Newman Reader Works of John Henry Newman
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