Index to Volumes I. and II.

Aaron's rod, i. 326; ii. 26, 233 golden calf, 429.
Abbot, Jacob, i. 30; his Corner Stone, 72; introduces himself to
    Dr. Newman, 200.
Acacius of Constantinople, i. 164.
Adelbert, Archbishop of Bremen, ii. 255.
Æschylus, the action of his plays always simple and inartificial, i. 2;
    his Agamemnon, 5.
Agatho, Pope, his Letter to the Emperor Constantine, ii. 329.
Ainsworth, Henry, his Arrow against Idolatry, ii. 166.
Ambrose, St., his opposition to the Empress Justina, i. 116;
Confession ascribed to, 201; on dialectics, ii. 42.
Ancona, seizure of by the French, i. 130.
Andrewes, i. 400; ii. 45, 59.
Anglo-AmericanChurch, the, i. 308.
Antichrist, the Protestant idea of, ii. 112.
Antigone, i. 3.
Apollinarianism, i. 200.
Apostle's Creed, the, ii. 6.
Arianism, i. 239.
Aristotle, his Poetics, i. 1; his treatment of dramatic composition, 7;
    fragmentary character of his work, 8; his definition of poetry, 9;
    on pity, 106; condemned by the early Fathers, ii. 42.
Arius, cross examined by the Fathers at Nicæa, i. 278.
Armida, garden of, i. 310.
Arnold, Dr., ii. 113.
Athanasian Creed, need of, in these dangerous times, i. 87; its
    protest against Apollinarianism, 200; antithetical structure of, 205.
, i. 203; quoted, 205, 214; bears witness to the
    genuineness of the Ignatian Epistles, 245; quoted, ii. 52.
Augustine, St., i. 164; his theology, 286; motto from, ii. 21;
on Unity, 35, 40, 41; against the Donatists, 364.
Avenir, the, i. 127-128.

Bacchus, worship of, i. 6.
Bacon, Lord, on poetry, i. 9; ii. 402.
Baillie, Joanna, her Chough and Crow, i. 17.
Barrow, his Discourse on the Unity of the Church, ii. 21; quoted, 159.
Basil, St., ii. 60, 326.
Bastwick, quoted, ii. 163.
Baxter, Richard, a gibe of his answered, ii. 173.
Becket, ii. 58.
Bede, i. 309.
Beethoven, i. 192.
Bellarmine, i. 143, 178; his definition of the Church, ii. 36; on the
    word Catholic, 51; Notes of the Church, 59.
Benedict IX., Pope, ii. 260.
Benson, Bishop, of Gloucester, i. 404.
Berridge, Mr., his interview with the Bishop of Lincoln, i. 407;
    described, 418. {458}
Berthier, Abbé, 106.
Bethesda, ii. 221.
Bible and the Church, i. 154.
Bickersteth, Mr., i. 263.
Bingham's Antiquities, i. 143.
Bird, Mr., on the Oxford School, i. 303.
Bolingbroke, Lord, his respect for Lady Huntingdon, i. 401;
    on Whitfield, 402.
Boniface VII., Pope, ii. 260.
Borromeo, Carlo, ii. 140.
Bossuet, i. 170, 178.
Bourbon Monarchy, the, i. 107.
Bowden, Mr., his Life of Hildebrand, ii. 254; short memoir of, 318.
Brougham, Lord, ii. 410.
Browne, Robert (founder of the Brownists), on Antichrist, ii. 158.
Bruno, ii. 267.
Bull, Bishop, i. 75, 144, 192, 197, 250, 285; ii. 402.
Bunsen, Baron, his Hyppolytus quoted, i. 250.
Burke, Edmund, ii. 402.
Burns, Robert, i. 21.
Butler, Alban, Lives of the Saints, ii. 415.
Butler, Bishop, on Christianity, i. 51; quoted, 54; 59, 69;
    a hard rider, ii. 391; teaching of, 395.
Byron, Lord, immoral compositions of his later years, i. 12; Hebrew
    Melody, 16; Childe Harold, 17, 18; the Corsair, 19; had very little
    elasticity of genius, 20; his Sardanapalus and Myrrha, ib.; Manfred, 22.

Cadmus, i. 6.
Calvin's Institutes, i. 401.
Campbell on the Gospels, i. 42.
Campbell, Thomas, his Pleasures of Hope, i. 18; ii. 410.
Cassandra, i. 6.
Caswall, Mr., his account of the State of the American Church, i. 313.
Channing, Dr., i. 94, 99.
Chapman, Dr., i. 329; his Sermons quoted, ib.
Chase, Bishop, of Ohio, i. 315, 318.
Chesterfield, i. 388.
Chevallier, Mr., his translation of a passage in Ignatius, i. 213.
Chillingworth, quoted, ii. 86.
Chrysostom, death of, i. 164; quoted, 340.
Church Articles, i. 58.
Cicero, on the talent of the orator, i. 17; on the value of Antiquity, 199;
    his Latin, ii. 385.
Clement, St., i. 187; ii. 29.
Clement VII., Pope, i. 177.
Coleridge, i. 268.
Composition, i. 24.
Constantius, ii. 59.
Cooke, Dr., i. 328.
Cooper, Fenimore, his novel of The Pioneers, i. 375; quoted, 376.
Cornelius, Bishop of Rome, ii. 31.
Cowper, Lines on his Mother's Picture, i. 17; slovenly in his versification, 26.
Crabbe's Tales of the Hall, i. 18.
Cranmer, ii. 19, 48.
Cureton, Dr., publishes a Syriac version of three of the Epistles of
    St. Ignatius, i. 227, 261.
Cyprian, St., on the Unity of the Church, i. 163, 192, 285; ii. 29, 398.
Cyril, St., of Alexandria, quoted, i. 216.

D'Ailly, Cardinal, on the Eucharistic Presence, i. 178.
Damiani, St. Peter, his character and career, ii. 281.
Darwin, Erasmus, lines by, ii. 450.
Davison, John, Fellow of Oriel, ii. 375.
Dehon, Bishop, quoted, i. 339; eloquence of, 340; sketch of his career, 341.
De Lolme on the Constitution, quoted, i. 288.
Dionysius of Syracuse, i. 126; ii. 45.
Doane, Dr., Bishop of New Jersey, his Editions of the Apostolical Fathers,
    i. 377.
Doddridge, Dr., i. 320; works of, 400. {459}
Dodwell, his Discourse concerning One Altar and Priesthood, ii. 25.
Domenichino's St. John, ii. 453.
Donatists, the, i. 167; ii. 48.
Dryden, his Alexander's Feast, i. 22; his Hind and the Panther quoted, 312.
Dudley, Lord, ii. 378.
Dunkers, the, described, i. 324.
Durandus, Bishop of Annecy, his views on the Eucharistic Presence,
    i. 178, 180.

Edgar, Mr., his Varieties of Popery quoted, ii. 128.
Edgeworth Miss, her tales, i. 13; Manœuvring, 14; her representations of
    the Irish character, 15.
Edgeworth, Richard Lovel, his Essays, ii. 386.
Elisha, i. 33; and the Shunammite woman, 391, 404.
Empedocles, his Physics, i. 12.
Epiphanius,on Meletius, ii. 65.
Erskine, Mr., i. 30; his Internal Evidence, 49.
Essenes, the, ii. 198.
Euripides, his carelessness in the construction of his plots, i. 2; beauties of his
    tragedies, 3; his Bacchæ, 6; his Clytemnestra, 15; affected simplicity of, 26.
Eusebius, enumerates and quotes from the Seven Epistles of Ignatius, i. 244.
Eustathius, ii. 61.
Eve, i. 122.
Exeter Hall divinity, i. 298; haranguing and protesting, ii. 339.
"Eyes and no Eyes," i. 191.
Ezekiel's vision in the Temple, ii. 429.

Faustus the Manichean, i. 224.
Fenelon, ii. 146.
Fleury, i. 143; on the death of Chrysostom, 164.
Fox the martyrologist, ii. 297.
Frederick, Prince of Wales, his admiration of the character of Lady Huntingdon,
    i. 399; inclined to favour the Methodistic movement, ib.; death of, 400.
Froude, Hurrell, on Scripture and Fundamentals, i. 174; quoted, ii. 439.
Fundamentals of Faith, i. 168.

Gallicanism, i. 109.
Gibbon, i. 23; on Gregory VII. and his successors, 117, 195; ii. 186, 283.
Gordon, Mr. Hunter, on Protestantism, i. 265.
Grant, James, on the spread of the Oxford Tract doctrines, i. 265.
Greek Tragedy, i. 1.
Grégoire, Abbé, i. 106.
Gregory V., Pope, ii., 274.
Gregory VI., Pope, his purchase of the Holy See, ii. 262; his abdication, 264.
Gregory VII., Pope, i. 117, 254 sqq. See Hildebrand.
Gregory XVI., Pope, i. 129, 139.

Hall, Bishop, quoted, ii. 160.
Hallier, quoted, ii. 81.
Hammond, quoted, i. 172; ii. 402.
Hampden, Bishop, his Bampton Lectures, i. 101.
Haweis, Dr., i. 390, 414.
Hefele, Dr., i. 261.
Henry III., Emperor, ii. 261.
Henry IV., of France, ii. 144.
Hilary of Arles, i. 164.
Hildebrand, i. 161, 305; ii. 58, 253, 265, sqq. See Gregory VII.
Hippolytus, fragments of, i. 207.
Hoadly, Bishop, i. 388.
Hobart, Bishop, of New York, i. 315; his Sermons quoted, 339;
    his protest against the Prerogative of Episcopal Election by the Crown,
Homer's Iliad, i. 11, 22; style of his poems perfect, 26.
Hooker, i. 144, 197, 298; ii. 402.
Hopkins, Bishop, of Vermont, works of, i. 377.
Horne, Bishop, ii. 56.
Hume, i. 23; on Miracles, 194; ii. 219.
Huntingdon, Countess of, i. 386, sqq.
Hurd, Bishop, i. 405. {460}
Hutton, R. H., his Essays quoted, ii. 75.

Jackson's Works, their rise in price and estimation, i. 299.
Jacobson, Mr., his Edition of the Apostolical Fathers, i. 199, 213.
Jeroboam, i. 124.
Jerome, St., quoted, i. 252; ii. 41, 52, 67, 326.
Jesuits, the, i. 120.
Jewel, Bishop, ii. 404.
Ignatius, St., the Seven Epistles of, i. 186; ii. 27, 324.
Innocentius and St. Augustine, i. 164.
Joachim, Abbot, ii. 121.
John XV., Pope, ii. 274.
John XVIII., Pope, ii. 260.
Johnson, Dr., Style of, ii. 393.
Ion, picturesque situation of, i. 3.
Irenæus, i. 192; on the birth of Christ, 203, 205; his great work Contra
, 207; quoted, 218; on the Church, ii. 37.
Isidore of Pelusium, his definition of the Church, ii. 37.
Justin, i. 192; on the Church, ii. 37.
Justina, Empress, i. 116.

Kaye, Dr., Bishop of Lincoln, i. 285.
Keble, John, i. 151, 182; his Christian Year, 189; of the country clergy, 272;
    his Christian Year described by a Romanist writer, 290; on Mr. Davison,
    ii. 394; his Lyra Innocentium, 421.
Keble, Thomas, i. 279.
Kid gloves and Naples soap, age of, ii. 313.
Knox, Alex., his Remains quoted, i. 268; ii. 110.
Kuinoël, theory of, as to the herd of swine, ii. 223.

Lacordaire, i. 137.
Lactantius, quoted, ii. 41, 52.
La Mennais, de, Fall of, i. 102.
Latimer, i. 183.
Laud, Archbishop, i. 195, 197; quoted, ii. 9.
Launoy, his definition of the Church, ii. 36; quoted, 45.
Laurence, St., martyrdom of, i. 115.
Lavington, Bishop, of Exeter, i. 405.
Leo IX., pontificate of, an illustration of the mixture of Catholic truth
    with wild romance, ii. 276.
Leo XII., Pope, i. 139.
Leslie, i. 144.
Liberius, Pope, ii. 59.
Liguori, St. Alfonso, quoted, ii. 81.
Littledale, Dr., ii. 79.
Lloyd, Bishop, i. 145.
Louis Philippe, i. 104, 106.
Loyola, i. 305.
Lucifer, Bishop of Cagliari, ii. 65.
Lucretius, i. 23.
Luther, i. 129, 144, 159, 305; ii. 132, 165.
Lyall, Archdeacon, his Lectures, ii. 130.
Lydia and St. Paul, ii. 344.

Mabillon, quoted, ii. 329.
Macaulay, Lord, on the Apostolic Succession, ii. 86.
Machyn's Diary, ii. 77.
Madan, Rev. Martin, i. 401; described, 417; his Thelypthora, 418.
"Manifestation," i. 40.
Marlborough, Duchess of, on Whitfield's preaching, i. 398.
Mayo, Dr., i. 27.
McNeile, Mr., Sermon on Antichrist, ii. 126.
Mede, high opinion entertained of him by Mr. Davison, ii. 402.
Medea, i. 3.
Meg Merrilies, ii. 214.
Melancthon, i. 295.
Meletius, Bishop of Antioch, ii. 62.
Methodism, a heresy, i. 386.
Milman, Dean, his History of Christianity, ii. 186, sqq.; quoted, 323.
Milner, i. 170, 192.
Milton, his Allegro and Penseroso, i. 12; his Sonnet on his Blindness, 17;
    Hymn on the Nativity, ib.; 26; on Prelacy, ii. 161.
Montalembert, i. 137; his Life of Lacordaire, quoted ib.; on the lapse
    of De la Mennais, 142.
Montalivet, M., i. 106. {461}
Moore, Thomas, style of, i. 26.
Mormonites, the, i. 325.
Moscow, Archbishop of, his Summary of Christian Divinity, i. 169.
Mosheim, i. 143.
Mucius Scævola, i. 68.
Mystery, Scripture sense of the word, i. 41.

Naaman, i. 33.
Napoleon at Lodi, i. 89; his Concordat with the Pope, 104.
Nazianzen, Gregory, on the birth of Christ, i. 204, 214; on Aristotle, ii. 42,
    quoted, 62, 64.
Neoptolemus, i. 3.
Nestorius, i. 202.
Newman, Dr., his Apologia quoted, i. 29; his account of an interview with
    Mr. Abbott, 101; his Development of Doctrine quoted, 184; indebted
    to Archbishop Whately; 272; quotation from his Apologia, 307; from
    Anglican Difficulties, 381; his letter to Father Coleridge, ii. 109.
Newton, Dr., his Autobiography, quoted, ii. 135; a man idolatrous of comfort
    and liquorish of preferment, 138.
Nicodemus, i. 33.
Nicole on Unity, i. 166.
Nimes, diocese of, i. 105.
Norris, Mr., of Hackney, his Letter to Bishop Hobart, i. 342.
Notes and Queries, ii. 77.
Notes of the Church, i. 155.
Novatians, the, i. 163.

Oakeley, Mr., Preface to his Whitehall Sermons, quoted, i. 272.
Objective Truth, i. 34.
Oceanus, i. 3.
O'Connell, Mr., i. 124.
O'Conor, Dr. Charles, on the debates which separate Protestants from
    Catholics, i. 170.
Ohio, diocese of, i. 321.
Olivi, Peter John, teaching of, ii. 122.
Onderdonk, Bishop, of New York, i. 354.
Oppian, his History of Animals, i. 12.
Orestes, i. 3, 11.
Origen, i. 202, 207.
Osburn's Errors of the Apostolic Fathers, i. 195; on St. Ignatius, 210.

Pacca, Cardinal, i. 131, 139.
Page, Mr., of Virginia, i. 343.
Paley's Evidences, ii. 207.
Palmer on Faith and Unity, i. 143; Treatise on the Church of Christ, 147;
    Letters to Dr. Wiseman, 183; on Carlo Borromeo, ii. 140; on St. Francis
    de Sales, 143; disavowal of some of the opinions ascribed to him, 454.
Parker, Archbishop, ii. 1.
Paterculus, Velleius, history of, i. 239.
Pearson, on the Creed, i. 143; on the Ignatian Epistles, 221, 249, 254, 260.
Peel, Sir Robert, i. 28.
Pelagianism, i. 395.
Pelagius, creed of, i. 201.
Pentheus, i. 6, 7.
Perceval, Mr., on the Apostolic Succession and the English Orders, ii. 1.
Perrone, Fr., on Mr. Palmer, i. 181; ii. 82.
Petavius, i. 143.
Phædra, i. 3.
Philoctetes, i. 3.
Phœnix, vulgarities of, in the ninth Iliad, i. 11.
Pius VII. and Napoleon, i. 138.
Poetical Composition, i. 24.
Polycarp, St., i. 244; ii. 324.
Pope, Alex., richness of his diction, i. 25; an admirer poet, 267, 388;
    quoted, ii. 394.
Powell, Baden, quoted, i. 263.
Priscian, i. 239.
Private Judgment, ii. 336.
Prometheus, ii. 3.
Protestantism, described by De la Mennais, i. 129.
Provoost, Bishop, of New York, i. 344.
Purgatory, ii. 15. {462}
Pusey, Dr., i. 272; his Letter to the Bishop of Oxford, quoted, 282.
Pyramids, builders of the, i. 91.

Rasselas, i. 310.
Rationalism, defined, i. 31.
Reformation, in England, i. 112; of the Eleventh Century, ii. 249.
Regulus, i. 89.
Revealed Religion, essentially poetical, i. 23.
Revelation, i. 41.
Romaine, Mr., i. 406.
Rome and Antichrist, i. 182.
Rome, the resting-point and centre of Catholicism, i. 111.
Rose, Rev. H. J., his defence of Bishop Hobart, i. 356; alienation from
    Dr. Newman, ii. 100.

Sabellianism, i. 95, 99.
Sales, St. Francis de, ii. 143.
Saul's armour, ii. 341.
Schleiermacher, Dr., his view of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, i. 96.
Scott, Mr., of Aston Sandford, his Essays, quoted, i. 68.
Scott, Sir Walter, his Peveril of the Peak, i. 13; his Bride of Lammermoor,
    16; the Waverley Novels, 19, 22; his versification, 26; prepared the way
    for a closer approximation to Catholic truth, 267; his character of the miser
    Trapbois, ii. 292.
Seabury, Dr., of Connecticut, his Sermons quoted, i. 337, 358.
Secker, Archbishop, i. 391.
Seed-and-Snake Baptists, i. 324.
Senior, Nassau, i. 27.
Shakespeare, his frequent introduction of unpoetical matter for the sake of
    relief, i. 11; his Richard and Iago, 15; Lady Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet,
    Ophelia, 16, 18, 22; quoted, ii. 251, 424.
Sharp, Granville, his Letter to Dr. Franklin on American changes in the
    Prayer-Book, i. 343.
Siegfried, ii. 291.
Silvanus of Tarsus, ii. 61.
Simeon Stylites, St., i. 350; ii. 419.
Simon Magus, ii. 235.
Smith, Dr., of Maryland, i. 358.
Smith, Horace, his novel of Bram bletye-House, i. 13.
Socrates, Ecclesiastical History, quoted, ii. 325.
Sophocles, his Œdipus at Colonus, i. 2; his Philoctetes, 3; Œdipus, 5;
    inattention to style, 26.
Southey, his epic poems, i. 16, 268; his advice to Mr. White respecting the
    London Review, 28; his censure of Mr. Berridge, 419.
Sozomen, quoted, ii. 61, 325.
Stillingfleet, i. 144; quoted, ii. 10, 20.
Subjective Truth, i. 36.
Sumner, Bishop, on the Oxford Tract Movement, i. 264.
Swetchine, Madame, on the lapse of De la Mennais, i. 142.

Taylor, Isaac, his Ancient Christianity quoted, i. 263, 278, 296, 304;
    characterized, ii. 153.
Taylor, Jeremy, on Sacramentals, i. 45; his Ductor Dubitantium, 143, 298;
    ii. 402.
Tertullian, on the birth of Christ, i. 203; treatises of, 207, 285; on Aristotle,
    ii. 42.
Theodoret, on the Church, ii. 37; on Meletius, 63; self-defence, 178; on St.
    Simeon Stylites, 419.
Thomson, minuteness of his remarks upon nature, i. 12.
Thurlow, Lord, on the Scotch Bishops, ii. 20.
Tillotson, i. 388; ii. 402.
Tiresias, i. 6.
Todd, Dr., on the Prophecies relating to Antichrist, ii. 112.
Tracts for the Times, i. 30, 100, 101, 190, 262; ii. 94.
Transubstantiation, established by the Fourth Lateran Council, i. 177.
Tropici (or Turn-abouts), ii. 60.

Valentinus, i. 249.
Valentinus Pacæus, i. 229.
Vasquez, i. 143. {463}
Vincent of Lerins, quoted, i. 205; ii. 41, 108.
Virgil, occasional irreligion of, i. 22; a master of composition, 26.
Ulysses, i. 3.
Voss, on a passage in Ignatius, i. 213; industry of, 229; quoted, 249.

Waldo, Peter, ii. 118.
Wall's Infant Baptism, i. 144, 298.
Walpole, Sir Robert, i. 388.
Warburton, Bishop, his conduct to Lady Huntingdon, i. 408; as a
    writer, ii. 56; Mr. Davison's opinion of him, 411.
Washington, an Episcopalian, i. 314.
Waterland, i. 75, 144, 298.
Wellington, Duke of, his Despatches, ii. 251.
Wesley and Whitfield, i. 422.
Wesley, Charles, i. 408, 420.
Wesley, John, quoted, ii. 160.
Whately, Archbishop, i. 27, 101; his Tract on the Sabbath, ii. 164.
White, Bishop, i. 338, 343, 345, 357.
White, Blanco, his editorship of the London Review, i. 27; his
    Heresy and Orthodoxy, quoted, 75, 101.
Whitfield, George, his deference to the worldly rank of Lady Huntingdon,
    i. 391.
Williams, Mr. Isaac, i. 279.
Wilson, Bishop, ii. 56.
Wiseman, Dr., i. 183; ii. 368.
Witzius, ii. 405.
Woodgate, Mr., i. 151.
Wordsworth, Dr., i. 183.
Wordsworth, William, i. 268.
Worship of the Virgin, ii. 13, 436.

Ximenes, ii. 72.
Xystus III., to the Synod of Thessalonica, ii. 327.

Young's Night Thoughts, i. 17.

Zaleucus, Prince of the Locrians, story of, i. 68.
Zedekiah, i. 205.
Zendavesta, ii. 197, 235.
Zenzelius, ii. 128.
Zoroaster, ii. 211, 230, 236.
Zuingle, i. 295.
Zwingli-Lutheranism, i. 167.



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